[Users] proxy_authorize breaks BYE delivery when behind NAT

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Thu Mar 23 12:12:00 CET 2006


that's right, according to the RFC, the sequential requests (within the 
dialog) should not be authenticated.


samuel wrote:

>There are lots of UA implementations that does not performs DIGEST on
>BYEs. I would recommend you not to challenge BYEs whenever it's
>possible because openSER would challenge the BYE and the UA woill not
>reply and the BYE would be discarted....
>Depending on the rest of your config file and the path the BYEW
>traverse, it also might happen that the BYE comes from another IP,
>which is not the trusted one and then it is challenged....
>Hope it helps!!
>2006/3/22, Script Head <scripthead at gmail.com>:
>>I have a generic RTPproxy config with PSTN forwarding. In my INVITE route, I
>>have the following:
>>        if(!allow_trusted()) {
>>                if
>>(!proxy_authorize("","subscriber_active")) {
>>                        proxy_challenge("","0");
>>                        return;
>>                } else if (!check_from()) {
>>                        sl_send_reply("403", "Use From=ID");
>>                        return;
>>                };
>>                consume_credentials();
>>        };
>>when the invite comes from an IP that's not in the trusted table, the call
>>goes thru but the BYE is not forwarded to the initiating party. How could
>>proxy_authorize affect the route?
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