[Users] record routing in dispatcher

Rick Richardson rick at eltopia.com
Mon Mar 6 19:38:56 CET 2006

Hello group,

I am trying to determine if record routing would ever be useful on a
dispatcher type sip router. It would seem to me that as long as the
dispatcher hashes on the call-id then it will always ensure that the
proper proxy receives the message. 

I do notice in rfc 3261 that it says, "The proxy will remain on the path
if it chooses not to insert a Record-Route header field value into
requests that are already part of a dialog. However, it would be removed
from the path when an endpoint that has failed reconstitutes the

In the case of reconstituting a dialog, does it keep the same call-id? I
can't find anything in the rfc that says it does. This would imply,
then, that the dispatcher should handle record routing for cases such as
this. So that it can make sure to forward to the proper proxy even when
the dialog temporarily breaks down. 

On that subject. I notice that most of the RR examples I see use:
if (loose_route()) { t_relay(); } 

or something similar. Is there a way to forward the message on to the
proper proxy using rr without using the tm module? 

Or perhaps a better question would be: what is the proper way to forward
on to the correct box with record routing?



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