[Users] more on accounting

Cseke Tamas cseke.tamas at eworldcom.hu
Wed Jul 12 14:53:25 CEST 2006

> modparam("acc", "radius_extra", "h323-setup-time=$avp(setup_time); 
> h323-connect-time=$avp(connect_time); 
> h323-disconnect-time=$avp(disconnect_time); 


I need this time informations for radius accounting, and  i must decide  
to  make this  avps in openser, or  manage this times  in radius server
(in BSDRadius it's not so difficult...)

I quess it'is not so easy to make this avps in openser,
    -create timestamp for particular messages (invite, ack, bye)
    -store the avps in database
    -and send to radius this attributes on accounting-request

Do you use this method, or is there any better solution?

Thanks any help,

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