[Users] privacy=full and contact hf

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Mon Jan 30 18:13:32 CET 2006


I see what you are trying to do. I have some idea about masking the 
contact hdr, but you still have to deal with VIA :D.....

about Contact...since the contact provided by the GW is the same (let's 
assume that), before forwarding to the foreign proxy, you may replace 
the GW contact with a contact pointing to your server and containing a 
token easy to recognize (maybe a username?).
On the way back, if you find the funny contact you inserted (which will 
be RURI or Route), you have to restore it to the GW contact....

never tried this, but it might work....


Wolfgang Hottgenroth wrote:

>you're right, but here the source is the GW and the destination is
>another SIP proxy with SIP phones behind it. And since we are
>terminating calls out of the PSTN to this other SIP proxy, ran by a
>company without voice-license, I need to remove any hint to the identity
> of the caller before handing over the call to that second SIP proxy.
>Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>>Hi Wolfgang,
>>if the destination is a GW and you set a RPID hdr, you do not need to
>>remove the contact and FROM - the GW will silently ignore them.
>>Wolfgang Hottgenroth wrote:
>>>Really sure that there is no way only using openser? I don't want to
>>>deploy that fat beast additionally just for a single feature.
>>>Or is there something I haven't considered yet?
>>>Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>>>If you need full privacy, then it is better to use a B2BUA like
>>>>Wolfgang Hottgenroth wrote:
>>>>>before forwarding a call (INVITE) from the PSTN with flag
>>>>>in the Remote-Party-ID hf to a none-voice-licensed carrier I need to
>>>>>make sure that the calling party number is completely wiped out from
>>>>>SIP requests.
>>>>>I see this number at three places: the Remote-Party-ID hf itself, the
>>>>>>From hf and the Contact hf.
>>>>>The Remote-Party-ID hf can simply be dropped or replaced by something
>>>>>The From hf can be rewritten using uac_replace_from.
>>>>>But what about the Contact hf? This field is, as far as I can see,
>>>>>required for routing purposes, to tell the called party side where to
>>>>>send replies. So, if I would manage it to rewrite the field, I would
>>>>>have to make sure, the replies sent to the rewritten address once again
>>>>>will be rewritten to target for the meant destination.
>>>>>Is there a best practice for this item?
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