[Users] SER as loadbalancer and NAT

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Tue Jan 10 20:59:33 CET 2006


A question to the NAT experts:

I wonder if there are known side effects if I use fix_nated_contact() in 
combination with nat_flag in the registrar module instead of 
fix_nated_register() to save NATed contacts?

What I want to do is checking for NAT on a stateless SER acting as load 
balancer, then forwarding it to a proxy in the LAN, like:

   # remove P-Nated-HF here if present...
   if(method == REGISTER &&
     !search("^Contact:[ ]*\*") &&
       append_hf("P-Nated: 1\r\n");
   # forwarding to proxy using dispatcher module

And in the proxy:

   modparam("registrar", "nat_flag", 1)
   # ...
   if(method == REGISTER)
     if(is_present_hf("P-Nated")) setflag(1);
   # ...
   if(method == INVITE)
     # a request for a local user...
     setdsturi("sip:<address of loadbalancer>");

Of course a mechanism has to be provided to let the loadbalancer or an 
external application NAT-ping the address provided in the rewritten contact.

As far as I have seen, the difference is that this approach would save 
the NAT-adress of the contact in usrloc with an empty received-param, 
while fix_nated_register() saves the private adress of the contact with 
the NAT-adress in the received-param.

I would assume (not verified yet), that in the case of using 
fix_nated_contact(), the NAT-address is set as r-uri after a lookup, 
with an empty dst-uri, which will have to be set to the load balancer's 
address to traverse the client-side NAT.

In case of using fix_nated_register(), I assume the r-uri is set to the 
client's private address, and the received-address as dst-uri. 
Traversing the client's NAT wouldn't be that easy in this case because 
you would have to save the received-address somewhere in the message and 
forward the request to the load-balancer, which in turn has to forward 
it to the client's NAT address.

So would this approach using fix_nated_contact() for REGISTERs make 
sense for using a SER-based load balancer? Or are there any limitations 
I haven't considered?


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