[Users] problem with OpenSER + Asterisk + F5 load-balancing switch

Jack Wei jack.wei at vertextelecom.com
Sun Feb 26 09:24:45 CET 2006


I'm having a problem trying to set up OpenSER + Asterisk + F5 
load-balancing switch.  Establishing the call (w/ no audio) seems to 
work alright but when the client hangs up, the OK reply from Asterisk 
never reaches the client.  By the way, I'll get to the audio problem 
after the SIP problem is solved.

Here's my setup:
1)  2 OpenSER boxes behind NAT with 198.168.2.X IPs and a public virtual 
2)  2 Asterisk boxes behind NAT with 192.168.3.X IPs and a public 
virtual IP Y.Y.Y.Y.
3)  2 MySQL database boxes behind NAT with 192.168.4.X IPs and a private 
virtual IP

Each set of boxes are in it's on VLAN so the gateways are .1 for each 

Attached are the logs from the private and public interfaces on the F5 

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  or if my setup needs to be 
changed?  Thanks in advance.


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