[Users] Re: [Devel] New module: perl

Bastian Friedrich bastian.friedrich at collax.com
Tue Dec 12 16:32:13 CET 2006

Hi Bogdan,

On Tuesday 12 December 2006 16:00, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> I'm trying to compile the perl module on Debian, but from docs is not
> very clear what libs are required (is written just Perl).

A "full perl installation" would include all the files from perl, libperl, and 
libperl-dev. Right, nobody installs perl from the sources :)

> Is it about libperl or libperl-dev ??

libperl-dev includes /usr/lib/libperl.so (just as a softlink to 
libperl5.8's /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.x). This is necessary for the module to 

On debian, you should at least install perl, perl-base, perl-modules, 
libperl5.8 and libperl-dev.

There are a lot of additional perl modules that might make sense in the 
context of the module, so you might want to install some lib*-perl packages 
as well, but they are not necessary for the base functionality. My primary 
intent, accessing LDAP from within OpenSER, would depend on libnet-ldap-perl, 
for example (in fact, the LDAPUtils modules included in my sources use that 
debian package).

Sorry for not pointing this out any better. There are big differences between 
different distributions (I'm using SuSE here, their package naming scheme is 
different here and there). Is there a dedicated list of supported OS and/or 
Linux distributions of OpenSER anywhere?

Please tell me if you can successfully use the module when the debian packages 
mentioned above are installed.

Thx & Regards,

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