[Users] OT: Looking for a hardware SIP phone that supports IPv6

Aaron Daubman daubman at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 13:48:41 CET 2006

Greetings all,

Sorry for the somewhat off-topic post.  I will be using OpenSER on a
ipv6-only network and am looking for some hardware SIP phones that
support IPv6.

Currently, I've found very few (and unfortunately all now defunct)
links on iptel's phone list that point to IPv6 capable hardphones, as
well as: http://www.moimstone.com/e_product/s01.php which has very
little detail other than "Support IPv6 (Optional), IPv4".

Does anybody know of other hardware SIP phones that support IPv6?  Has
anybody actually used hardware IPv6 phones with (Open)SER?


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