[Users] The lcr module has incorrect syntax for the current mysql release

Brandon Price brandon at dacrib.net
Fri Aug 4 22:08:48 CEST 2006

I am pulling that query right out of my mysql query log. This works  
if I downgrade to an earlier version of mysql. Please reply.
again the query being run is...

SELECT gw.ip_addr, gw.port, gw.uri_scheme, gw.transport, gw.strip,  
gw.prefix FROM gw, lcr WHERE ''<sip:15183024234 at eastern.mynoc.net>''  
LIKE lcr.from_uri AND '13143212222' LIKE CONCAT(lcr.prefix, '%') AND  
lcr.grp_id = gw.grp_id ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(lcr.prefix), lcr.priority  

Would it have anything to do with the fact that the table type is  
ndbcluster not myisam? I am willing to provide an account on that  
box, but that is definitely the query being run.

On Aug 4, 2006, at 6:43 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

> Brandon Price writes:
>> SELECT gw.ip_addr, gw.port, gw.uri_scheme, gw.transport, gw.strip,
>> gw.prefix FROM gw, lcr WHERE ''<sip:12345678910 at eastern.mynoc.net>''
>> LIKE lcr.from_uri AND '15184782222' LIKE CONCAT(lcr.prefix, '%') AND
>> lcr.grp_id = gw.grp_id ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(lcr.prefix), lcr.priority
> lcr module only adds a single single quote before and after from uri:
> q_len = snprintf(query, MAX_QUERY_SIZE, "SELECT %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s,
> %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s FROM %.*s, %.*s WHERE  
> '%.*s'
> LIKE %.*s.%.*s AND '%.*s' LIKE CONCAT(%.*s.%.*s, '%%') AND %.*s.%.*s =
> %.*s.%.*s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(%.*s.%.*s), %.*s.%.*s DESC, RAND()",
> -- juha

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