[Users] Strange OpenSER startup failure (new_connection: No enough memory)
Joachim Fabini
Joachim.Fabini at tuwien.ac.at
Wed Apr 26 21:19:15 CEST 2006
Before diving myself into the details: Does anyone know
what is the reason for (and how can we overcome) an
out-of-memory error that OpenSER throws when establishing
a database connection on parsing the config file (startup)?
An almost identical config file runs without troubles on
another system (SuSE linux 9.2 instead of 10.0, i.e.,
mysql version 4.0.x instead of 4.1.1). Openser is a
CVS snapshot dated 12.03.2006.
Please see the attached startup log - I find it strange
that OpenSER removes the mysql connections from the pool
after having created them and afterwards creates them
again. Any "linger"-issues?
Log attached; relevant script excerpt:
184> if(save("location"))
185> {
186> xlog("L_INFO","$rm: SUCCESS saving location info\n\n");
188> }
189> else
190> {
191> xlog("L_INFO","$rm: ERROR while saving location info\n\n");
192> }
193> return;
In addition, when commenting out the save("location")
statement, OpenSER stops at the next avp op. Apparently
there is really a memory problem. Any idea what can be
the reason (1GB of RAM + 2 GB of swap should be
sufficient... ;)
best regards
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