[Users] get_hdr_field: bad to header...
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Apr 25 19:15:42 CEST 2006
Hi Lars,
openser automatically drops incoming messages less than 32 bytes - if
you wan to increase it, see the config.h, MIN_UDP_PACKET.
but not the keep alive packages may be the problem and you may have
indeed some broken sip messages.
Lars Sundqvist wrote:
> Sorry if it is obvious, but what does ALGs stand for? and is there any
> way this can be prevented or any way i can find out from where these
> requests come?
> When I do a tcpdump and view the result in ethereal I can see we are
> getting some UDP packets (that do not get classified as SIP) to the
> openser port.
> These contain 2, 4 or 18 bytes with: 0a 0d, 00 00 00 00 or the string
> I've only captured a small amount of data so these might only be a
> small subset of the ones we actually receive (non-sip packets that is).
> Could these packets be whats causing the errors in the log? and if so,
> can i somehow prevent openser to try to parse them as SIP?
> Thanks
> Lars Sundqvist
> Atle Samuelsen wrote:
>>Whild Whild Guess, but I bet itt+s some ALGs that´s fucking up for
>>* Lars Sundqvist <lars.sundqvist at home.se> [060424 09:11]:
>>>We have a few hundred users registered to a openser we are running and everything works fine, however i get som error messages in the logs I would like to get rid
>>>//sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: xl_get_from: ERROR cannot parse FROM header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: xl_get_to: ERROR cannot parse TO header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: [REGISTER] from [<null>] to [<null>]
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present : parsing MAX_FORWARD header failed!
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: insert_RR(): From parsing failed
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: record_route(): Error while inserting Record-Route line
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: find_first_route: Error while parsing headers
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: analyzing REGISTER request
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: find_credentials(): Error while parsing headers
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: pre_auth(): Error while looking for credentials
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: build_res_buf_from_sip_req: alas, parse_headers failed
>>>/sbin/openser[28867]: pre_auth(): Error while sending 400 reply
>>>Anyone has a clue what I can do to debug this to find out where the request are coming from or what can be done to stop the invalid(?) requests from being processed
>>>and clutter my logs?
>>>Lars Sundqvist
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