[Users] Media proxy

Rafael Neves Harff rafael.harff at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 16:48:38 CEST 2006

Hi all!

I've got openser + mediaproxy running. I have 2 questions:

1) I'm doing a PESQ comparation betwin Asterisk and Openser +
mediaproxy. I tested both software in the same lab and I note that
media proxy route RTP packets more slowly than Asterisk. Is it true?
Can I change any seeting to improove mediaproxy speed/quality?

2) I need to test it with differend CODEC's. I'm using Express Talk as
UA to record the call to compare using PESQ software, but using this
softphone I ca't set which CODEC to use. Can I set which CODEC is
allowed in Openser/Mediaproxy software? Is there a UA that can
play/reccord .WAV files which allow to choose the CODEC?

Thanks once again.


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