[Users] Overlapping AVPs

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Wed Apr 12 11:25:17 CEST 2006


this is not yet available - it's planed to be done in the future. In the 
mean while try to use the trick with renaming the AVPs belonging to 
caller to different IDs to avoid overlapping.


Andreas Granig wrote:

> Hi Bogdan,
>> maybe more appropriate than "groups" will be "classes" of avp. you 
>> can group different AVP in a class to be able to perform more complex 
>> identification/searches (like same AVPs as ID, but onebelongs to 
>> caller and other to callee).
> That's exactly what I'm looking for, but I can't find HOW to actually 
> do that. Is this already possible? If so, how would such a class 
> definition for an AVP look like in the config? Any links to some docs 
> or maybe an example?
> Thanks,
> Andy

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