[Users] tls_require_certificate

Alexander Ph. Lintenhofer lintenhofer at aon.at
Sun Oct 9 14:24:43 CEST 2005

Hello Cesc,

Thanks for your answer!
 >If you want just one setup, then you are forced to use the "less 
secure" setup so that your UAs can support it.
I think this is not a sufficient solution. Maybe it's possible to make 
black- or whitelists for authentication rules in future developments 
(just an quick'n'dirty idea).
With NAPTR-lookup support, the t_relay_to_tls("specific 
domain","specific port") function could also be serviced by t_relay(), 
or am I wrong?


Cesc wrote:

> Hi Alexander,
> That is a very good question.
> An option you have is to use
> tls_verify=1
> tls_require_cert=0
> This will make ser to request a certificate from the other peer, but 
> if the peer does not send one the TLS handshake will still succeed.
> This is from the readme file:
> =====================================================================
> * How does verification work?
> Verification is the process by which the authentication data provided
> by the peers is checked. This data consists usually of a peer certificate,
> plus a chain of trusted certification authorities.
> If for whatever reason, either of the peers thinks
> that the handshake is not valid, the ssl connection is not established.
> The reasons could be many: untrusted server certficate, too-weak 
> algorithm,
> invalid client cert, no client authentication, ...
> The "tls_verify" and "tls_require_certificate" are SER-names for the
> OpenSSL defined flags SSL_VERIFY_PEER (tls_verify) and
> SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT (tls_require_certificate).
> tls_require_certificate is only used if tls_verify=1.
> If we are acting as a server, we always send our server-side certificate
> to the client.
>         - If tls_verify=0, we do not request the client a
> client-certificate. This means that the client is not authenticated.
>         - If tls_verify=1, we (the server) send a client-certificate 
> request to
> the client. But the client is free to not provide any. In this case,
> tls_require_certificate comes into play:
>                 _ if tls_require_cert=0, the verification process will 
> succedd if
>                         the client does not provide a certificate, or 
> if it provides
>                         one, it verifies correctly against the 
> server's list of
>                         trusted certification authorities.
>                 _ if tls_require_cert=1, the verification process will 
> only succeed
>                         if the client provides a certificate and this 
> verifies correctly
>                         against the server's list of trusted CAs.
> =====================================================================
> Now, another option:
> Create two different domains, one for UAs, the other for inter-proxy 
> connection.
> This way, on the UA domain you can be more lax in the settings 
> (tls_verify=1, tls_require_cert=0), whereas in the inter-proxy domain 
> you can force certs (tls_verify=1, tls_require_cert=1).
> I guess this you probably don't want to do. If you want just one 
> setup, then you are forced to use the "less secure" setup so that your 
> UAs can support it.
> Hope it helps,
> Cesc
> On 10/8/05, *Alexander Ph. Lintenhofer* <lintenhofer at aon.at 
> <mailto:lintenhofer at aon.at>> wrote:
>     Hi there,
>     I have a question concerning TLS in openser:
>     By switching tls_require_certificate to "on", the peer is forced
>     to send
>     his certificate for means of mutual authentication.
>     My problem is, that the peer may be another proxy server whom I
>     want to
>     authenticate with its cert - but the peer might also be an user agent.
>     In my situation I use a Snom 360 which has not the possibility to
>     import
>     an own user-certificate (only a CA-cert for verifying server-certs).
>     -----------                         ----------
>     ---------
>     | snom 360  | <------  TLS -------> | outbound | <----- TLS -----> |
>     inbound |
>     -----------   server sends cert     ----------     mutual AUTH
>     ---------
>     But when I activate tls_require_certificate=on in the openser.cfg
>     of the
>     outbound proxy, the snom360 can't register, because it has no
>     user-cert.
>     On the other hand, when I disable tls_require_certificate, the
>     snom can
>     register, but the security between the proxies is weak.
>     Is there an appropriate solution for this problem ?? Maybe I didn't
>     understand the sample configuration at all....
>     Thanks in advance and regards,
>     Philipp
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