[Users] how to configure SIP OpenSer redirect server

Ajay Srivastava ASrivastava at ixiacom.com
Wed Nov 30 15:00:53 CET 2005


I made changes in openser.cfg like this to act it as a SIP redirect server:


        # for testing purposes, simply okay all REGISTERs
        if (method=="REGISTER") {
               sl_send_reply("200", "ok");
        # rewrite current URI, which is always part of destination ser
        rewriteuri("sip:parallel at siphub.net <mailto:parallel at siphub.net>
        # append one more URI to the destination ser
        append_branch("sip:redirect at siphub.net <mailto:redirect at siphub.net>
        # redirect now
        sl_send_reply("300", "Redirect");


 then restarted openser, but still not getting redirect messages, should I
need to do something more for enabling this option? Please help me and tell
me that how can I run my redirect server for SIP.




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