[Serusers] Re: [Users] AVPs are lost on relayed INVITE errors

Federico Giannici giannici at neomedia.it
Mon Nov 28 12:21:34 CET 2005

Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Some time ago I had some problems with accounting of failed transactions 
> vs. missed transactions. I could solve them by using a dedicated flag 
> for every parameter.

I didn't understood.
Can you explain me what you mean for "using a dedicated flag for every 


> Federico Giannici wrote:
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> have you set the flag to log missed transaction?
>>> http://openser.org/docs/modules/1.0.x/acc.html#AEN407
>> No, I set the following:
>> modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
>> modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 1)
>> But no "db_missed_flag".
>> Anyway:
>> 1) I don't want to log missed calls in a separate table.
>> 2) The failed INVITEs are actually logged in the normal table, but the 
>> AVPs I set are not logged (it seems that they are not found).
>> In normal cases the AVP are correctly logged. Even in many error cases 
>> (404, and so on) they are logged too. But in some cases, with strange 
>> errors (488, 422), the AVPs are NOT logged (accounting is done, but 
>> AVPs are "n\a")!
>> Any explanation of this?
>> Thanks.
>>> Or is that the some avps are not any more stored for failed 
>>> transaction? Maybe some snippets of your config will give us more 
>>> hints about what happens there.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Daniel
>>> On 11/26/05 14:04, Federico Giannici wrote:
>>>> I'm using OpenSER 1.0.0 on OpenBSD 3.7 amd64.
>>>> I have a strange problem with the accounting: I set a couple of AVPs 
>>>> for every message that arrives at the server. I'm sure they are 
>>>> there because they are written in the syslog logging. Sometimes, 
>>>> when an INVITE is relayed (with transactions) and receives an error 
>>>> (488, 422, etc.), in the SQL logging there is no more presence of 
>>>> the AVPs!
>>>> Is this a known problem?
>>>> How can I avoid this?
>>>> Thanks.

    |-                      giannici at neomedia.it
    |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

         Presidente del cda - NEOMEDIA srl

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