[Users] Avpops Module

Elena Ramona Modroiu ramona at voice-system.ro
Mon Nov 28 00:26:45 CET 2005


Douglas Garstang wrote:

>I swear, getting OpenSER to do anything is worse than pulling teeth.

>The avpops module documentation at: 
>has the following example under the db_scheme command:
>which causes the following error to be reported in syslog.conf:
>Nov 27 14:24:52 ser1 openser: ERROR:avpops:parse_avp_sb_scheme: unknown attribute <uuid_column> 
>Nov 27 14:24:52 ser1 openser: ERROR:avpops:avp_add_db_scheme: falied to parse scheme 
>Nov 27 14:24:52 ser1 openser: parse error (102,3-4): Can't set module parameter 
Thanks for reporting this, docs will be updated.

>The example at the 'alleged' tutorial at:
>which is just the docs at openser.org cut and pasted mostly has this example:
>which does not generate any errors in syslog.
>HOWEVER, when avp_db_load() is called, the following is logged to syslog.conf:
>Nov 27 14:21:42 ser1 openser[2424]: ERROR:avpops_init: "AVP_DB" present but "AVP_TABLE" found empty 
>Nov 27 14:21:42 ser1 openser[2424]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module avpops 
>Why??? The docs say I can use dbscheme to use a non standard AVP table, which is what I am trying to do, namely the subscriber table. If I can use dbscheme to define the columns from another table, why is OpenSER complaining that I haven't called modparam("avpops","avp_table","avptable")?????
What are the parameters of avp_db_load() in your case? Maybe this 
example (also from avpops tutorial) helps you:

- load from table 'emp', using 'uid' column as uuid and  
  'job' column as string value into AVP name 'jobs'


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