[Users] rport error

Marco marco at comm.cc
Thu Nov 10 00:42:19 CET 2005

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 10:46:05AM +0100, Klaus Darilion wrote: 
> The ; is missing between port and "rport" parameter. MAybe this is a bug 
> in linphone? It would help if you post the complete SIP call flow using
>   ngrep -W byline port 5060

Here it is the captured wrong ack I suppose.
One side is using linphone, the other is a Cisco gateway.

U 213.144.x.x:15394 -> 213.215.y.y:5060
ACK sip:00000 at SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 213.144.x.x:15394rport;branch=z9hG4bK1176333941.
Route: <sip:213.215.y.y;ftag=1627568967;lr=on>.
From: <sip:marco at domain>;tag=1627568967.
To: <sip:000000 at domain>;tag=B27BADC-1420.
Call-ID: 867345324 at 213.144.x.x.
CSeq: 21 ACK.
Contact: <sip:marco at 213.144.x.x:15394.
Max-Forwards: 5.
User-Agent: Linphone-1.0.1/eXosip.
Content-Length: 0.

The other packets seem all right, at least for the rport header.

What I don't understand is that the problem appears 
only when one side is using Cisco, with different clients
on the other side. From the captured ACK seems instead that the
bug is in the packet originate by linphone.
I can post the whole flow if it can be useful.

In general, an implementation must be conservative in its sending behavior,
and liberal in its receiving behavior.
	- Jon Postel (1943-1998)

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