[Users] Tracker system

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Nov 1 12:16:59 CET 2005

Hi everybody,

I just finished configuring and testing the  project tracker hosted on 
SorceForge. My apologies for the "un-explained" emails on the devel list :)

The purpose of the tracker will be of course to have a centralized 
system to keep trace of :
    1) bug reports
    2) support requests
    3) feature requests
    4) documentation reports
    5) patch submission

If needed, other sections can be added. All developer have admin rights 
on this tracker (to create new categories or groups, etc).

let's use it and start registering all known pending issues (discussed 
so far on the mailing list) in order to avoid forgetting them and to 
have a big picture of the current status.
All changes regarding the status of the register items will be emailed 
to the devel mailing list.

There are couple of items already registered by me - all project 
developers: please review them and update them accordingly if necessary! 
For example, for the enum patch, I think Juha will be the best person to 
assign it to.


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