[Users] Module AVPOPS question

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Sat Jun 25 09:55:58 CEST 2005


On 06/25/05 03:31, Alexandre Passito wrote:

>Hi everybody,
>I'm starting to use openser and I have some questions about avpops module. 
>Why this module is not implemented together with SER?
the module is implemented with ser, too. The module from openser v0.9.4 
has the same functionality with the open from ser CVS head. But the 
avpops from openser CVS head has new features and it is not compatible 
with SER because there were some changes in core the module depends on.

>I was trying to compile it with SER, but I got some errors.
Which version of module and ser?

>Is this module usable with dbtext module?
Yes, it is. dbtext is a replacement for mysql, the main purpose is for 
small environments (demo, pilot platforms ...). Using it in production, 
with large number of subscribers, may not be reliable.

>Which modules are not present at SER but are present at Openser?
In openser 0.9.4, only alias_db, but many other modules have new 
functionalities and they may not be usable with ser. In the development 
branch of openser (CVS head), there is a new module, uac_redirect which 
implements processing of redirect replies (3xx) on server.

Best regards,

>Best regards,

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