[Users] Creating permenant contacts with FIFO ul_add

Doug Meredith doug.meredith at skyridge.com
Sun Dec 4 02:25:21 CET 2005

I am trying to use FIFO to manage permanent contacts.  I can create
contacts now, but can't figure out what value to specify for the

A positive value represents a real expiry in seconds.  Negative
numbers, "Never", and "Permanent" all result in "400 Invalid expires
format".  A zero results in "500 Error while adding contact".

The information at
http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=fifo_relay#ul_add is more
of an example.  It doesn't really explain the arguments.  Does anyone
know how to specify that a contact is permanent?  The command
"openserctl ul add" is able to create permanent contacts, so it must
be possible.

Doug Meredith (doug.meredith at systemguard.com)
SystemGuard - Oracle remote support
877-974-8273 (87-SYSGUARD)

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