[Users] 1 OpenSER & 2 Providers

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Mon Aug 29 09:52:19 CEST 2005

Klaus Darilion writes:

 > You can use sipsak to manuall REGISTER the SIP accoutns at the 
 > respective provider. As contact use the SIP account at your openser 
 > proxy, and as expiry use something like 20 years :-)

this is possible, but not ideal.  it would be better if it would be
somehow possible to tell in register request from sipsak that
registration is permanent so that permanent flag would be set in
location table.  then these registrations would not disappear by
accident, when some phones before registering first unregister all
contacts using *.  it would also be easier by management application to
tell which registrations are permanent and which are not.  

and finally, it would be nice if fifo command ul rm could be
parameterized with the exact contact that is removed, not all contacts
of the aor.

-- juha

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