[SR-Users] Permissions sometimes does not find group

Romain Untereiner romain at cantoo.co
Mon May 17 12:11:44 CEST 2021

Hello all,

I am having some trouble with Permissions module of Kamailio, regarding the allow_source_address_group() function. In 99.9% of the cases the IP of our partner is allowed as expected, but randomly it can fail (returning -1 for the same IP address that was allowed for many other calls in the meantime).

I can’t understand why it fails and why only « sometimes » - I confirm this append on the same Kamailio box, with same IP and Port of the partner.

In my custom logs:
« X.X.X.X:YYYY is allowed through group Z » —> as expected
and sometimes (like 1% of the cases): « X.X.X.X:YYYY is not allowed -  allow_source_address_group returned -1»

It is maybe to note that in the address table, this range is defined as /24 and not /32. Until now it never happened on /32 defined address but I don’t know if it can be correlated.

Would someone have a clue on this?

- kamailio 5.5.0 (x86_64/linux) d4c1a1
- debian 9 stretch
- postgresql 11.7

Many thanks!

Romain Untereiner
Co founder at Cantoo
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