[SR-Users] secsipid

David Villasmil david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
Tue May 11 16:46:17 CEST 2021

So that helped doing:

go get https://github.com/asipto/secsipidx
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/asipto/secsipidx/csecsipid/
make liba
cp secsipid.h libsecsipid.h libsecsipid.a \

but when compiling:

cd /path/to/kamailio/
make include_modules="secsipid secsipid_proc ..." cfg
make all
make install

make fails because the lib is not installed

The documentation should be:

# Get and install the module:

go get https://github.com/asipto/secsipidx
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/asipto/secsipidx/csecsipid/
make liba
cp secsipid.h libsecsipid.h libsecsipid.a \

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/asipto/secsipidx/
make install

# make the module

cd /path/to/kamailio/
make include_modules="secsipid secsipid_proc ..." cfg
make all
make install

## or compiling individual modules for use inside source tree
make modules modules=src/modules/secsipid_proc
make modules modules=src/modules/secsipid

Now kamailio compiles properly.


David Villasmil
email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
phone: +34669448337

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 3:30 PM David Villasmil <
david.villasmil.work at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Arsen,
> Thanks for replying. That was it!
> Should that detail be added to the doc? a lot of people wanting to use
> that are not seasoned Go devs.
> @Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>  ?
> Regards,
> David Villasmil
> email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
> phone: +34669448337
> On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 2:48 PM Arsen Semenov <arsperger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> seems you are using Go with Go modules support enabled.
>> secsipidx does not support go modules, make sure you have environment
>> variable GO111MODULE set to off and then download the module by executing
>> "go get github.com/asipto/secsipidx"
>> it should be downloaded in your $GOPATH
>> On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 6:21 PM David Villasmil <
>> david.villasmil.work at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> I'm trying to use secsipid as per
>>> https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/5.5.x/modules/secsipid.html
>>> I just installed go on a new vm:
>>> the env is as follows:
>>> # env
>>> GOPATH=/root/go
>>> then:
>>> ~# go get github.com/asipto/secsipidx
>>> ~#
>>> Then:
>>> ~# cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/asipto/secsipidx/csecsipid/
>>> bash: cd: /root/go/src/github.com/asipto/secsipidx/csecsipid/: No such
>>> file or directory
>>> it looks like it's not downloaded where the documentation says.
>>> It is however in:
>>> go
>>> |-- bin
>>> `-- pkg
>>>     |-- mod
>>>     |   |-- cache
>>>     |   |   `-- download
>>>     |   |       |-- github.com
>>>     |   |       |   |-- asipto
>>>     |   |       |   |   `-- secsipidx
>>>     |   |       |   |       `-- @v
>>>     |   |       |   `-- google
>>>     |   |       |       `-- uuid
>>>     |   |       |           `-- @v
>>>     |   |       `-- sumdb
>>>     |   |           `-- sum.golang.org
>>>     |   |               |-- lookup
>>>     |   |               |   `-- github.com
>>>     |   |               |       |-- asipto
>>>     |   |               |       `-- google
>>>     |   |               `-- tile
>>>     |   |                   `-- 8
>>>     |   |                       |-- 0
>>>     |   |                       |   |-- x010
>>>     |   |                       |   |-- x011
>>>     |   |                       |   `-- x016
>>>     |   |                       |       `-- 560.p
>>>     |   |                       |-- 1
>>>     |   |                       |   `-- 064.p
>>>     |   |                       `-- 2
>>>     |   |                           `-- 000.p
>>>     |   `-- github.com
>>>     |       |-- asipto
>>>     |       |   `-- secsipidx at v1.0.0
>>>     |       |       |-- csecsipid
>>>     |       |       `-- secsipid
>>>     |       `-- google
>>>     |           `-- uuid at v1.2.0
>>>     `-- sumdb
>>>         `-- sum.golang.org
>>> 38 directories
>>> But going into ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/asipto/secsipidx at v1.0.0/csecsipid
>>> we have:
>>> ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/asipto/secsipidx at v1.0.0/csecsipid# ls -l
>>> total 16
>>> -r--r--r-- 1 root root  231 May 11 13:14 Makefile
>>> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 1778 May 11 13:14 csecsipid.go
>>> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 1988 May 11 13:14 libsecsipid.h
>>> -r--r--r-- 1 root root  120 May 11 13:14 secsipid.h
>>> The Makefile contains the proper liba:
>>> # Makefile to build libraries
>>> #
>>> all: libso
>>> libso:
>>> go build -o libsecsipid.so -buildmode=c-shared csecsipid.go
>>> liba:
>>> go build -o libsecsipid.a -buildmode=c-archive csecsipid.go
>>> clean:
>>> rm -f libsecsipid.so
>>> rm -f linsecsipid.a
>>> But "make liba" returns:
>>> # make liba
>>> go build -o libsecsipid.a -buildmode=c-archive csecsipid.go
>>> csecsipid.go:6:2: no required module provides package
>>> github.com/asipto/secsipidx/secsipid: go.mod file not found in current
>>> directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'
>>> make: *** [Makefile:10: liba] Error 1
>>> Obviously not a "go" guy here.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> Thanks for your help!
>>> David Villasmil
>>> email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
>>> phone: +34669448337
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>> --
>> Arsen Semenov
>> __________________________________________________________
>> Kamailio - Users Mailing List - Non Commercial Discussions
>>   * sr-users at lists.kamailio.org
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