[SR-Users] SIP client - Linphone

Jan Rozhon jan.rozhon at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 14:00:44 CEST 2020

Hmm, nothing obviously wrong. Is there anything in Kamailio's logs? Are
you sure REGISTER reaches kamailio? Can you run tcpdump or even better
sngrep on kamailio server?

Regards, Jan

On 30. 09. 20 13:28, Pavithra Mohanraja wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> I have also tried as u suggested with reg_proxy only with sip server
> name, could not obtain any positive changes. I have also attached the
> debug logs, please have a look and suggest for any changes. Thanks in
> advance. 
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 4:42 PM Jan Rozhon <jan.rozhon at gmail.com
> <mailto:jan.rozhon at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Sorry, I am not that good in linphone configuration file so I may
>     be wrong, but it seems to me that reg_proxy should only contain
>     uri of the server, not the user part. Moreover, I have definitely
>     more options there but not using it as an IMS.
>     Mine is a bit more wordy:
>     [proxy_3]
>     reg_proxy=<sip:sip.server.here;transport=udp>
>     reg_identity=sip:420123456789 at sip.server.here
>     realm=sip.linphone.org <http://sip.linphone.org>
>     contact_parameters=message-expires=604800
>     quality_reporting_collector=sip:voip-metrics at sip.linphone.org;transport=tls
>     quality_reporting_enabled=1
>     quality_reporting_interval=180
>     reg_expires=600
>     reg_sendregister=1
>     publish=1
>     avpf=-1
>     avpf_rr_interval=1
>     dial_escape_plus=0
>     privacy=32768
>     push_notification_allowed=0
>     idkey=proxy_config_voVF8eoXq46cJLs
>     publish_expires=600
>     nat_policy_ref=bUwFfNPHt40-miQ
>     Could you send the REGISTER message not being accepted?
>     Regards, Jan
>     On 30. 09. 20 12:54, Pavithra Mohanraja wrote:
>>     Hi Jan,
>>     I'm trying to connect linphone to my kamailio ims. Only register
>>     request is sent from Linphone and no acknowledgement  is
>>     received. I'm attaching you my linphonerc file. Please advise if
>>     any correction is required in the configuration. 
>>     On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 3:50 PM Jan Rozhon <jan.rozhon at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:jan.rozhon at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hey, I have no problems with linphone (desktop and mobile).
>>         Could you be more specific on what you set up and/or what the
>>         communication looks like when using linphone?
>>         Regards, Jan
>>         Dne 30.09.2020 v 11:55 Pavithra Mohanraja napsal(a):
>>>         Hi,
>>>         I am a newbie to sipclient Linphone. I know this issue is
>>>         not related with kamailio.Yet If anybody have tried it
>>>         before , kindly provide me with some links or procedures to
>>>         be followed for call registration and connectivity with
>>>         kamailio since in my case, request is going but response is
>>>         not coming back resulting in timeout issue.
>>>         This happens only in linphone.If i do the samething in
>>>         PJSIP/zoiper, call registration and call establishment
>>>         happens perfectly fine.
>>>         Kindly help.
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Pavithra
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