[SR-Users] http_async_client

Brandon Armstead brandon at cryy.com
Tue Nov 3 02:33:00 CET 2020

kamailio 5.5.0-dev3

I'm unsure if this is expected behavior, so thought I would ask...

When using http_async_query("URI", "ROUTENAME")

request_route {

    # this does not get executed below route(AUTH)
    xinfo("[$ci][$rm] we hit this line");

route[AUTH] {
    http_async_query("URI", "ROUTENAME");

route[ROUTENAME] {
    # do stuff here to check authentication and return

    if(auth + registration) {
        msg_apply_changes(); # this fails and errors out about incorrect
        # ^ invalid usage - not in request route or a reply

    if(auth + invite) {
        # route to pstn

Expected behavior: to be able to obtain some processing / information
gathering about authentication with the call and additional information
possibly and return to normal routing.  As-is now I've to move the actions
all into ROUTENAME for kamailio to continue processing, it does not go back
to request_route { }.

# this does not get executed below route(AUTH)

Is this expected behavior, or am I missing something?

If I do catch route(AUTH) with a hash table and prevent its execution after
first run, the avp's from the transaction created are not available in
request_route that were set in ROUTENAME.
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