[SR-Users] removing xavp from the stack.

David Villasmil david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 14:43:21 CEST 2020

Hello guys,

if i do something like:

$(xavp(my_var)) = "1";
$(xavp(my_var)) = "2";
$(xavp(my_var)) = "3";

it is store like:

$(xavp(my_var)) = "1"; -> index 2
$(xavp(my_var)) = "2"; -> index 1
$(xavp(my_var)) = "3"; -> index 0

and later i need to use and remove from the stack, like this:

use and remove: $(xavp(my_var)) --> would remove index 0
Then the stack would remain like:

$(xavp(my_var)) = "1"; -> index 1
$(xavp(my_var)) = "2"; -> index 0

Simply popping the index 0 and reindex the remaining...

is this possible?


David Villasmil
email: david.villasmil.work at gmail.com
phone: +34669448337
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