[SR-Users] Meaning of shmem stats and question on dmq dialog sharing behaviour

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 07:34:33 CEST 2020


I get image not found on that link, have you removed it?


On 01.06.20 13:57, George Diamantopoulos wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've recently been experimenting with dmq, and I've noticed something
> that seemed a little odd. shmem use would often be abnormally high on
> otherwise idle kamailio nodes (literally, only dispatcher module
> OPTIONS were exchanged at the time besides KDMQ messages).
> After disabling the "enable_dmq" parameter for the dialog module, this
> sort of absurd behaviour ceased. To get a quantified idea of this
> change's effect, check out the following screenshot from our
> monitoring system:
> https://pasteboard.co/Jb430lD.png
> As you can see, the spikes stopped manifesting at around 05:00, when
> dmq was disabled for dialog (albeit still employed for htable). shmem
> use then grew as traffic was introduced to these nodes, and htables
> began filling with data.
> I was wondering if this to be expected, which I find highly odd given
> that at the time other productive systems in the DMQ cluster were also
> idle (given the time of the day), not to mention that their shmem
> usage was not nearly as high.
> Could this be attributed to some configuration error, with updates
> looping endlessly (or until some counter reaches zero or something)
> among nodes? Or could memory be used for other housekeeping purposes
> unrelated to dmq dialog sharing?
> Lastly, what is the meaning (and differences) of these shmem stats?
>   * real_used_size
>   * used_size
>   * max_used_size
> Max used size I get (I'm guessing maximum seen since server was
> started?) but what's the difference between real_used and used? Thanks!
> Best regards,
> George
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Funding: https://www.paypal.me/dcmierla

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