[SR-Users] 3GPP compliance

Henning Westerholt hw at skalatan.de
Sun Sep 15 22:36:10 CEST 2019

Hello Tihomir,

Kamailio as a flexible solution supports common SIP standards out of the box and can be also tailored to adapt to different other (SIP) standards.

I am not aware of a dedicated 3GPP compliance list. On kamailio.org there is a list of supported RFCs: https://www.kamailio.org/w/interoperability/

Many of the Kamailio IMS functionality originate from OpenIMSCore, with different modifications. Not sure if maybe this project maintained such a list in the past.



Am 14.09.19 um 21:34 schrieb Tihomir Culjaga:
Hi, is there any 3GPP compliance list for Kamailio IMS ?


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