[SR-Users] Using Kamailio IMS for making a call
supreeth herle
herlesupreeth at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 12:00:43 CEST 2019
Hello Everyone,
I have successfully setup a VM in OpenStack with Kamailio IMS, rtpengine
and FoHSS using the instructions mentioned in the guide which i wrote
(attached to this mail), all running in the machine. I am using the
existing alice and bob IMPUs created in FoHSS. But, when I try to call each
other the call doesnt go through and I observe in the wireshark traces that
S-CSCF is replying to I-CSCF that "403, Forbidden - Domain not served".
Can somebody please tell me do I need any additional components to make a
call or am i missing some configuration? It would be great if someone can
help me troubleshooting this issue.
I have attached the pcap file for your reference.
Many thanks in advance.
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1. Start from Bionic Ubuntu cloud image
2. Use the following Cloud init data while spawning an instance
disable_root: 0
ssh_pwauth: True
- name: root
list: |
expire: False
- sed -i -e '/^#PermitRootLogin/s/^.*$/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- systemctl restart sshd
this removes all existing cloud users and allows only root user and sets a password
3. Install all Kamailio Packages
$ apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y mysql-server tcpdump screen ntp ntpdate git-core dkms gcc flex bison libmysqlclient-dev make \
libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libpcre3-dev bash-completion g++ autoconf rtpproxy libmnl-dev \
libsctp-dev ipsec-tools
$ wget -O- http://deb.kamailio.org/kamailiodebkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
$ add-apt-repository 'deb http://deb.kamailio.org/kamailio52 bionic main'
$ ntpdate pool.ntp.org
$ apt install -y kamailio kamailio-mysql-modules kamailio-ims-modules kamailio-presence-modules kamailio-tls-modules kamailio-xml-modules kamailio-xmlrpc-modules \
kamailio-sctp-modules kamailio-outbound-modules kamailio-dbg
Configuration files for Kamailio IMS are located in /etc/kamailio/ folder
Create the directory for pid file:
$ mkdir -p /var/run/kamailio_icscf
$ mkdir -p /var/run/kamailio_pcscf
$ mkdir -p /var/run/kamailio_scscf
Default setting is to run Kamailio as user kamailio and group kamailio. For that you need to create the user:
$ adduser --quiet --system --group --disabled-password \
--shell /bin/false --gecos "Kamailio" \
--home /var/run/kamailio_icscf kamailio
$ adduser --quiet --system --group --disabled-password \
--shell /bin/false --gecos "Kamailio" \
--home /var/run/kamailio_pcscf kamailio
$ adduser --quiet --system --group --disabled-password \
--shell /bin/false --gecos "Kamailio" \
--home /var/run/kamailio_scscf kamailio
Set ownership
$ chown kamailio:kamailio /var/run/kamailio_icscf
$ chown kamailio:kamailio /var/run/kamailio_pcscf
$ chown kamailio:kamailio /var/run/kamailio_scscf
4. Clone Kamailio repository and checkout 5.2 version of repository to get the sample configuration files
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/src/kamailio-5.2
$ cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-5.2/
$ git clone git://git.kamailio.org/kamailio kamailio
$ cd kamailio
$ git checkout -b 5.2 origin/5.2
6. Setup the DNS for resolving IMS components names - Refer Appendix 3
7. Populate MySQL database using kamctlrc command
Edit SIP_DOMAIN and DBENGINE in the /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc configuration file (Used by kamctl and kamdbctl tools).
Set the SIP_DOMAIN to your SIP service domain (or IP address if you don't have a DNS hostname associated with your SIP service).
Set the DBENGINE to be MYSQL and adjust other setting as you want. Finally, uncomment both SIP_DOMAIN and DBENGINE.
In my example, the following values are set for SIP_DOMAIN and DBENGINE
You can change other values in kamctlrc file. Once you are done updating kamctlrc file, run the script to create the database used by Kamailio:
$ kamdbctl create
(When prompted for mysql root user password enter the root password if its is set or else leave it blank i.e. Press Enter)
check database manually;
$ mysql
<mysql> show databases;
<mysql> use kamailio;
<mysql> show tables;
<mysql> select * from subscriber;
No Subscribers are added yet
The kamdbctl will add two users in MySQL user tables:
- kamailio - (with default password 'kamailiorw') - user which has full access rights to 'kamailio' database
- kamailioro - (with default password 'kamailioro') - user which has read-only access rights to 'kamailio' database
8. Edit /etc/default/rtpproxy file as follows (This step is needed only if SIP client and/or SIP server is behind a NAT):
# Defaults for rtpproxy
# The control socket.
# To listen on an UDP socket, uncomment this line:
# Additional options that are passed to the daemon.
here, "-l <PUBLIC_IP>", PUBLIC_IP is the publicly reachable IP address (Floating IP)
Then run,
$ systemctl restart rtpproxy
9. Edit configuration file to fit your requirements for the VoIP platform, you have to edit the /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg configuration file.
Follow the instruction in the comments to enable usage of MySQL. Basically you have to add several lines at the top of config file, like:
#!define WITH_MYSQL
#!define WITH_AUTH
#!define WITH_NAT (Include this if client and/or SIP server is behind a NAT)
(uncomment this line and enter the DNS domain created above)
(uncomment this line, is the internal IP and is the Public/Floating IP)
listen=udp: advertise
listen=tcp: advertise
Further down, we will need to modify the rtpproxy_sock value to match the CONTROL_SOCK option we set for RTPProxy in /etc/default/rtpproxy
modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "udp:")
If you changed the password for the 'kamailio' user of MySQL, you have to update the value for 'DBURL' parameters.
Then run,
$ systemctl restart kamailio
10. A quick check for the basic working of SIP server can be done as follows:
Make sure the kamailio sip server is running
Create new subscriber accounts. A new account can be added using 'kamctl' tool via 'kamctl add <username> <password>'
(When asked for entering MySQL password for user 'kamailio at localhost': type 'kamailiorw', as provided in kamailio.cfg)
$ kamctl add test testpasswd
$ kamctl add test2 testpasswd
Setting on OnePlus phones
- Connect to a network through which SIP server is reachable (either Wi-Fi or LTE)
- Goto phone dialer and select the "Settings" in the menu on top right corner
- Then select "Call settings"
- Configure SIP accounts in phones as added above using kamctl:
In Phone 1:
Username: test
Password: testpasswd
Server: mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org (Created DNS Domain Name or IP to which IMS components are bound to, visible interface IP address)
Optional Settings:
Authentication username: test
Outbound proxy address: (Floating IP of VM in case of OpenStack or else no need to fill in case of physical machine)
Transport type: UDP
In Phone 2:
Username: test2
Password: testpasswd
Server: mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org (Created DNS Domain Name or IP to which IMS components are bound to, visible interface IP address)
Optional Settings:
Authentication username: test2
Outbound proxy address: (Floating IP of VM in case of OpenStack or else no need to fill in case of physical machine)
Transport type: UDP
- Set "Receive incoming calls" option to enabled state in both phones
- Set "Use SIP calling" to "For all calls"
- Add a new contact as follows:
In Phone 1:
Select "more" option
Name: SIP Contact test2 (Any arbitary name)
SIP: test2 at mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org (Created DNS Domain Name or IP to which IMS components are bound to, visible interface IP address)
Save and exit
In Phone 2:
Select "more" option
Name: SIP Contact test (Any arbitary name)
SIP: test at mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org (Created DNS Domain Name or IP to which IMS components are bound to, visible interface IP address)
Save and exit
- Now try calling from either phone
11. Create new mysql database for pcscf, scscf and icscf, populate databases and grant permissions to respective users identified by a password
$ mysql
<mysql> CREATE DATABASE `pcscf`;
<mysl> CREATE DATABASE `scscf`;
<mysl> CREATE DATABASE `icscf`;
In all of the below steps, when prompted for mysql root user password, leave it blank i.e. Press Enter if password is not set or enter password if set
$ cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-5.2/kamailio/utils/kamctl/mysql
$ mysql -u root -p pcscf < standard-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p pcscf < presence-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p pcscf < ims_usrloc_pcscf-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p pcscf < ims_dialog-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p scscf < standard-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p scscf < presence-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p scscf < ims_usrloc_scscf-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p scscf < ims_dialog-create.sql
$ mysql -u root -p scscf < ims_charging-create.sql
$ cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-5.2/kamailio/misc/examples/ims/icscf
$ mysql -u root -p icscf < icscf.sql
Verify that following tables are present in respective databases by logging into mysql
| Tables_in_pcscf |
| active_watchers |
| dialog_in |
| dialog_out |
| dialog_vars |
| location |
| presentity |
| pua |
| version |
| watchers |
| xcap |
| Tables_in_scscf |
| active_watchers |
| contact |
| dialog_in |
| dialog_out |
| dialog_vars |
| impu |
| impu_contact |
| impu_subscriber |
| presentity |
| pua |
| ro_session |
| subscriber |
| version |
| watchers |
| xcap |
| Tables_in_icscf |
| nds_trusted_domains |
| s_cscf |
| s_cscf_capabilities |
<mysql> grant delete,insert,select,update on pcscf.* to pcscf at localhost identified by 'heslo';
<mysql> grant delete,insert,select,update on scscf.* to scscf at localhost identified by 'heslo';
<mysql> grant delete,insert,select,update on icscf.* to icscf at localhost identified by 'heslo';
<mysql> grant delete,insert,select,update on icscf.* to provisioning at localhost identified by 'provi';
$ mysql
<mysql> use icscf;
<mysql> INSERT INTO `nds_trusted_domains` VALUES (1,'mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org');
<mysql> INSERT INTO `s_cscf` VALUES (1,'First and only S-CSCF','sip:scscf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org:6060');
<mysql> INSERT INTO `s_cscf_capabilities` VALUES (1,1,0),(2,1,1);
12. Copy pcscf, icscf and scscf configuration files to /etc/ folder and edit accordingly
$ cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-5.2/kamailio/misc/examples/ims/
$ cp -r icscf/ /etc/kamailio_icscf
$ cp -r pcscf/ /etc/kamailio_pcscf
$ cp -r scscf/ /etc/kamailio_scscf
Rename files in these folder kamailio_pcscf, kamailio_icscf and kamailio_scscf by removing .sample part from the configuration files.
And, rename kamailio.cfg in respective folder as follows: kamailio_pcscf.cfg, kamailio_icscf.cfg and kamailio_scscf.cfg
Edit the configuration files as per your deployment
--------------------------------- I-CSCF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ cd /etc/kamailio_icscf
Edit the DNS domain names, DB URL and IP addresses at all places in the icscf.cfg, icscf.xml files accordingly
************* Changes required in icscf.cfg *************
listen=udp: advertise
listen=tcp: advertise
#!define NETWORKNAME "mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org"
#!define HOSTNAME "icscf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org"
#!define DB_URL "mysql://icscf:heslo@localhost/icscf"
#!define WITH_TCP
************* Changes required in icscf.xml *************
<Peer FQDN="hss.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" Realm="mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" port="3868"/>
<Acceptor port="3869" bind=""/>
<DefaultRoute FQDN="hss.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" metric="10"/>
************* Changes required in kamailio_icscf.cfg *************
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
/* set the path to RPC fifo control file */
modparam("jsonrpcs", "fifo_name", "/var/run/kamailio_icscf/kamailio_rpc.fifo")
/* set the path to RPC unix socket control file */
modparam("jsonrpcs", "dgram_socket", "/var/run/kamailio_icscf/kamailio_rpc.sock")
# -- cdp params --
modparam("tls", "config", "/etc/kamailio_icscf/tls.cfg")
# ----- ctl params -----
modparam("ctl", "binrpc", "unix:/var/run/kamailio_icscf/kamailio_ctl")
Comment out the below line
#loadmodule "debugger.so"
Comment out below in main route logic
# if !($rU =~ "\+.*") {
# prefix("+");
# }
OR add the line in route[initial_request] logic
$ru= $(ru{s.rm,$avp(prefix)});
xlog("$$ru => $ru\n");
I_perform_location_information_request("LIR_REPLY", "0");
A quick check for correctness of settings: Edit the /etc/default/kamailio file, by changing the configuration file parameter as follows:
# Config file
After altering the above file, execute below command
$ systemctl restart kamailio.service
And, check that there are no error by viewing logs using the below command
$ journalctl -f --unit kamailio
** I-CSCF as can also be run as follows: kamailio -f /etc/kamailio_icscf/kamailio_icscf.cfg
--------------------------------- P-CSCF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ cd /etc/kamailio_pcscf
Edit the DNS domain names, DB URL and IP addresses at all places in the pcscf.cfg, pcscf.xml files accordingly
************* Changes required in pcscf.cfg *************
listen=udp: advertise
listen=tcp: advertise
#!define PCSCF_URL "sip:pcscf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org"
#!subst "/NETWORKNAME/mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org/"
#!subst "/HOSTNAME/pcscf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org/"
#!define DB_URL "mysql://pcscf:heslo@localhost/pcscf"
#!define SQLOPS_DBURL "pcscf=>mysql://pcscf:heslo@localhost/pcscf"
##!define TRF_FUNCTION "trf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org"
#!define WITH_TCP
************* Changes required in pcscf.xml *************
<Peer FQDN="pcrf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" Realm="mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" port="3868"/>
<Acceptor port="3871" bind=""/>
<DefaultRoute FQDN="pcrf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" metric="10"/>
************* Changes required in kamailio_pcscf.cfg *************
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
Comment out the below line
#loadmodule "debugger.so"
modparam("debugger", "cfgtrace", 0)
#modparam("debugger", "cfgtrace", 1)
/* set the path to RPC fifo control file */
modparam("jsonrpcs", "fifo_name", "/var/run/kamailio_pcscf/kamailio_rpc.fifo")
/* set the path to RPC unix socket control file */
modparam("jsonrpcs", "dgram_socket", "/var/run/kamailio_pcscf/kamailio_rpc.sock")
modparam("tls", "config", "/etc/kamailio_pcscf/tls.cfg")
# ----- ctl params -----
modparam("ctl", "binrpc", "unix:/var/run/kamailio_pcscf/kamailio_ctl")
# ----------------- Settings for Dispatcher ---------------
modparam("dispatcher", "list_file", "/etc/kamailio_pcscf/dispatcher.list")
# AVP's required for Fail-Over-Support:
#modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_DST_AVP)")
#modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_GRP_AVP)")
#modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_CNT_AVP)")
#modparam("dispatcher", "sock_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_SOCK_AVP)")
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_dst", "$avp(DISPATCHER_DST_AVP)")
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_dst_mode", 0)
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_ctx", "$avp(DISPATCHER_CNT_AVP)")
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_ctx_mode", 0)
#modparam("ims_usrloc_pcscf", "hashing_type", 2)
#!ifdef WITH_RX
# -- CDP params --
# -- diameter_rx params --
modparam("ims_qos", "rx_dest_realm", "localdomain") # Enter realm to which PCRF belongs to
#modparam("ims_qos", "rx_dest_realm", "NETWORKNAME")
Change the route[REQINIT] as follows:
#!ifdef WITH_IPSEC
if (!is_method("REGISTER")) {
Change the event_route[uac:reply] as follows:
#!ifdef WITH_IPSEC
************* Changes required in dispatcher.list *************
# SBC's
#2 sip:
A quick check for correctness of settings: Edit the /etc/default/kamailio file, by changing the configuration file parameter as follows:
# Config file
After altering the above file, execute below command
$ systemctl restart kamailio.service
And, check that there are no error by viewing logs using the below command (Ignore the rtpengine errors for now, as we will install in next step)
$ journalctl -f --unit kamailio
** P-CSCF as can also be run as follows: kamailio -f /etc/kamailio_pcscf/kamailio_pcscf.cfg
--------------------------------- S-CSCF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ cd /etc/kamailio_scscf
Edit the DNS domain names, DB URL and IP addresses at all places in the scscf.cfg, scscf.xml files accordingly
************* Changes required in scscf.cfg *************
listen=udp: advertise
listen=tcp: advertise
#!define NETWORKNAME "mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org"
#!define HOSTNAME "scscf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org"
#!define URI "sip:scscf.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org:6060"
# ENUM-Server to query:
#!define ENUM_SUFFIX "mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org."
#!define DB_URL "mysql://scscf:heslo@localhost/scscf"
#!define RO_MNC "96"
#!define WITH_TCP
************* Changes required in scscf.xml *************
<Peer FQDN="hss.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" Realm="mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" port="3868"/>
<Acceptor port="3870" bind=""/>
<DefaultRoute FQDN="hss.mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org" metric="10"/>
************* Changes required in kamailio_scscf.cfg *************
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
Comment out the below line
#loadmodule "debugger.so"
/* set the path to RPC fifo control file */
modparam("jsonrpcs", "fifo_name", "/var/run/kamailio_scscf/kamailio_rpc.fifo")
/* set the path to RPC unix socket control file */
modparam("jsonrpcs", "dgram_socket", "/var/run/kamailio_scscf/kamailio_rpc.sock")
# ----- ctl params -----
modparam("ctl", "binrpc", "unix:/var/run/kamailio_scscf/kamailio_ctl")
# -- CDP params --
modparam("debugger", "cfgtrace", 0)
modparam("ims_registrar_scscf", "user_data_xsd","/etc/kamailio_scscf/CxDataType_Rel7.xsd")
# ----------------- Settings for Dispatcher ---------------
modparam("dispatcher", "list_file", "/etc/kamailio_scscf/dispatcher.list")
# AVP's required for Fail-Over-Support:
#modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_DST_AVP)")
#modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_GRP_AVP)")
#modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_CNT_AVP)")
#modparam("dispatcher", "sock_avp", "$avp(DISPATCHER_SOCK_AVP)")
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_dst", "$avp(DISPATCHER_DST_AVP)")
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_dst_mode", 0)
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_ctx", "$avp(DISPATCHER_CNT_AVP)")
modparam("dispatcher", "xavp_ctx_mode", 0)
************* Changes required in dispatcher.list *************
(Not sure what to do hence comment out as follows)
# ng-voice Interconnect
#1 sip:sbc-1.ng-voice.com
#1 sip:sbc-2.ng-voice.com
A quick check for correctness of settings: Edit the /etc/default/kamailio file, by changing the configuration file parameter as follows:
# Config file
After altering the above file, execute below command
$ systemctl restart kamailio.service
And, check that there are no error by viewing logs using the below command
$ journalctl -f --unit kamailio
** S-CSCF as can also be run as follows: kamailio -f /etc/kamailio_scscf/kamailio_scscf.cfg
13. For IMS, rtpengine is used rather than rtpproxy since the former supports more features than latter: Installing RTPEngine
Check for dependencies, install dependencies and build .deb packages
$ export DEB_BUILD_PROFILES="pkg.ngcp-rtpengine.nobcg729"
$ apt install dpkg-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine
$ cd rtpengine && git checkout mr7.4.1
$ dpkg-checkbuilddeps
(The above command checks for dependencies and give you a list of dependencies which are missing in the system. The below list is the result of this command)
$ apt install debhelper default-libmysqlclient-dev gperf iptables-dev libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libbencode-perl libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl libdigest-crc-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libevent-dev libhiredis-dev libio-multiplex-perl libio-socket-inet6-perl libiptc-dev libjson-glib-dev libnet-interface-perl libpcap0.8-dev libsocket6-perl libspandsp-dev libswresample-dev libsystemd-dev libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev markdown dkms module-assistant keyutils libnfsidmap2 libtirpc1 nfs-common rpcbind
(After installing dependencies run the below command again and verify that no dependencies are left out)
$ dpkg-checkbuilddeps
(This should just return back to shell with no output if all depedencies are met)
$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
$ cd ..
$ dpkg -i *.deb
$ cp /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.sample.conf /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf
Add the following to this copied file under "[rtpengine]" section:
interface =!
listen-ng = 2223
Port on which rtpengine binds i.e. listen-ng parameter is udp port 2223. This should be updated in /etc/kamailio_pcscf/kamailio_pcscf.cfg file at modparam(rtpengine ...
# ----- rtpproxy params -----
modparam("rtpengine", "rtpengine_sock", "1 == udp:localhost:2223")
modparam("rtpengine", "rtpengine_sock", "2 == udp6:localhost:2223")
Edit /etc/default/ngcp-rtpengine-daemon and /etc/default/ngcp-rtpengine-recording-daemon as follows in respective files:
$ cp /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine-recording.sample.conf /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine-recording.conf
$ mkdir /var/spool/rtpengine
$ systemctl start ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service ngcp-rtpengine-recording-daemon.service ngcp-rtpengine-recording-nfs-mount.service
$ systemctl enable ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service ngcp-rtpengine-recording-daemon.service ngcp-rtpengine-recording-nfs-mount.service
$ systemctl stop rtpproxy
$ systemctl disable rtpproxy
$ systemctl mask rtpproxy
14. Running I-CSCF, P-CSCF and S-CSCF as separate systemctl process
$ systemctl stop kamailio
$ systemctl disable kamailio
$ systemctl mask kamailio
$ cp /etc/init.d/kamailio /etc/init.d/kamailio_icscf
$ cp /etc/init.d/kamailio /etc/init.d/kamailio_pcscf
$ cp /etc/init.d/kamailio /etc/init.d/kamailio_scscf
Changes required in /etc/init.d/kamailio_icscf
Changes required in /etc/init.d/kamailio_pcscf
Changes required in /etc/init.d/kamailio_scscf
$ cd /etc/default/
$ cp kamailio kamailio_icscf
$ cp kamailio kamailio_pcscf
$ cp kamailio kamailio_scscf
Changes required in /etc/default/kamailio_icscf
RUN_KAMAILIO=yes (Uncomment)
Changes required in /etc/default/kamailio_pcscf
RUN_KAMAILIO=yes (Uncomment)
Changes required in /etc/default/kamailio_scscf
RUN_KAMAILIO=yes (Uncomment)
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start kamailio_icscf kamailio_pcscf kamailio_scscf
15. Setup FoHSS in order to talk with I-CSCF and S-CSCF
Installation of FoHSS
Requirements for FoHSS: Install Java JDK and ant
Download Oracle Java 7 JDK from following link using a browser:
$ mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/
$ tar -zxf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm/
$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java 100
$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/javac 100
Verify that java has been successfully configured by running:
$ update-alternatives --display java
java - auto mode
link best version is /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java
link currently points to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java
link java is /usr/bin/java
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/java - priority 100
$ update-alternatives --display javac
javac - auto mode
link best version is /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/javac
link currently points to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/javac
link javac is /usr/bin/javac
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/javac - priority 100
$ update-alternatives --config java
(select java jdk1.7.0_79)
$ update-alternatives --config javac
Check java version
$ java -version
Install Ant
$ cd ~
$ wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.9.14-bin.tar.gz
$ tar xvfvz apache-ant-1.9.14-bin.tar.gz
$ mv apache-ant-1.9.14 /usr/local/
$ sh -c 'echo ANT_HOME=/usr/local/ >> /etc/environment'
$ ln -s /usr/local/apache-ant-1.9.14/bin/ant /usr/bin/ant
Verfiy ant version as follows:
$ ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.14 compiled on March 12 2019
Create working directories for OpenIMSCore:
$ mkdir /opt/OpenIMSCore
$ cd /opt/OpenIMSCore
$ svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/openimscore/code/FHoSS/trunk
Rename "/opt/OpenIMSCore/trunk" subdirectory to "/opt/OpenIMSCore/FHoSS"
$ mv trunk FHoSS
$ cd FHoSS
$ export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79"
$ export CLASSPATH="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79/jre/lib/"
$ ant compile deploy | tee ant_compile_deploy.txt
Create configurator.sh using below script to change domain names and IP address in all configuration files
$ cd deploy
$ vim configurator.sh
# Initialization & global vars
# if you execute this script for the second time
# you should change these variables to the latest
# domain name and ip address
CONFFILES=`ls *.cfg *.xml *.sql *.properties 2>/dev/null`
# Interaction
printf "Domain Name:"
read domainname
printf "IP Adress:"
read ip_address
# input domain is to be slashed for cfg regexes
slasheddomain=`echo $domainname | sed 's/\./\\\\\\\\\./g'`
if [ $# != 0 ]
printf "changing: "
for j in $*
sed -i -e "s/$DDOMAIN/$domainname/g" $j
sed -i -e "s/$DSDOMAIN/$slasheddomain/g" $j
sed -i -e "s/$DEFAULTIP/$ip_address/g" $j
printf "$j "
printf "File to change [\"all\" for everything, \"exit\" to quit]:"
# loop
while read filename ;
if [ "$filename" = "exit" ]
printf "exitting...\n"
break ;
elif [ "$filename" = "all" ]
printf "changing: "
for i in $CONFFILES
sed -i -e "s/$DDOMAIN/$domainname/g" $i
sed -i -e "s/$DSDOMAIN/$slasheddomain/g" $i
sed -i -e "s/$DEFAULTIP/$ip_address/g" $i
printf "$i "
elif [ -w $filename ]
printf "changing $filename \n"
sed -i -e "s/$DDOMAIN/$domainname/g" $filename
sed -i -e "s/$DSDOMAIN/$slasheddomain/g" $filename
sed -i -e "s/$DEFAULTIP/$ip_address/g" $filename
printf "cannot access file $filename. skipping... \n"
printf "File to Change:"
$ chmod +x configurator.sh
$ ./configurator.sh
Domain Name:mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org
IP Adress:
$ grep -r "open-ims"
$ vim webapps/hss.web.console/WEB-INF/web.xml
$ vim hibernate.properties
And, change the following line
$ cp configurator.sh ../scripts/
$ cd ../scripts
$ grep -r "open-ims"
$ ./configurator.sh
Domain Name:mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org
IP Adress:
$ cp configurator.sh ../config/
$ cd ../config
$ ./configurator.sh
Domain Name:mnc096.mcc262.3gppnetwork.org
IP Adress:
$ cd ../src-web
$ vim WEB-INF/web.xml
Prepare mysql database:
Drop old databases: hss_db
$ mysql
<mysql> drop database hss_db;
<mysql> create database hss_db;
<mysql> quit
Import database located at /opt/OpenIMSCore into hss_db
$ cd /opt/OpenIMSCore
$ mysql -u root -p hss_db < FHoSS/scripts/hss_db.sql
$ mysql -u root -p hss_db < FHoSS/scripts/userdata.sql
Check grants for mysql access rights at first time installation:
$ mysql
# See last line in hss_db.sql:
grant delete,insert,select,update on hss_db.* to hss at localhost identified by 'hss';
grant delete,insert,select,update on hss_db.* to hss@'%' identified by 'hss';
Check database with MySQL Workbench if domain names are o.k. in various entries and privileges
$ mysql -u hss -p
<mysql> show databases;
<mysql> use hss_db;
<mysql> select * from impu;
Prepare script-file, start HSS
Copy startup.sh to hss.sh in root directory
$ cp /opt/OpenIMSCore/FHoSS/deploy/startup.sh /root/hss.sh
And, add the following to hss.sh before echo "Building Classpath"
cd /opt/OpenIMSCore/FHoSS/deploy
Start HSS using hss.sh
$ ./hss.sh
Access the web-interface of HSS: http://<IMS_VM_FLOATING_IP>:8080/hss.web.console/
user: hssAdmin
password: hss
-------------- next part --------------
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