[SR-Users] dialog:end event route

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 09:15:26 CEST 2019

If there is no sip message part of dialog available for that moment,
then a faked request with predefined content is used.

You should use the $dlg(...) var to get the attributes related to that call:

  - https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/devel/pseudovariables#dlg_attr


On 12.06.19 12:48, Igor Olhovskiy wrote:
> CallID actually.
> I'm receiving in dialog:failed something completely different from
> initiated dialog.
> Regards, Igor
> On Jun 12, 2019, 12:36 +0300, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> <miconda at gmail.com>, wrote:
>> Can you be more specific about: "I can't get which dialog failed
>> exactly"?
>> What do you want to get? Which attribute/value related to dialog?
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 12.06.19 10:57, Igor Olhovskiy wrote:
>>> Yes, sorry, `dialog:failed` exactly.
>>> Issue I found is quite strange. Schema of testing is
>>> A calling B through Kamailio. B is not answering, jut keep sending 180.
>>> On dialog:failed I have this code:
>>> event_route[dialog:failed] {
>>> xlog("L_ALERT", '[DIALOG:FAILED] "req":"$rm", "cs":"$cs",
>>> "dst":"$du", "from":"$fU", "to":"$tU", "cid":"$ci", "si":"$si",
>>> "sp":"$sp", "kts":$TV(Sn)' + "\n");
>>> }
>>> Quite simple. But when actual dialog failed on fr_inv_timer excite,
>>> in logs I have
>>> ALERT: <script>: [DIALOG:FAILED] "req":"OPTIONS", "cs":"1",
>>> "dst":"<null>", "from":"you", "to":"you", "cid":"123",
>>> "si":"", "sp":"5060", "kts":1560329373.947588
>>> And I can't get which dialog failed exactly. But on the other hand,
>>> I can catch it on failure_route on t_branch_timeout()
>>> That was a question actually. Cause on call reject (with 5xx or 6xx)
>>> or similar I have correct dialog:failed event.
>>> Regards, Igor
>>> On Jun 11, 2019, 13:23 +0300, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>> <miconda at gmail.com>, wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> On 10.06.19 13:35, Igor Olhovskiy wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> Just to confirm, is event route [dialog:end] not called on
>>>>> fr_inv_timer expiry?
>>>>> Cause it's called on call busy (486) and reject (whatever 6xx). So,
>>>>> what's the idea of not calling it on timeout? Or I'm missing
>>>>> something?
>>>>> Kamailio 5.2
>>>> if the INVITE does not get 200ok, then another event route is executed:
>>>>   -
>>>> https://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/dialog.html#idm1039307844
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> --
>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
>>>> www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>> --  
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
>> www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

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