[SR-Users] Error opening Kamailio's FIFO

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 08:33:35 CET 2018

It might be some change to the systemd configs or just kamailio didn't
start at that moment. I remember I faced a similar issue when the /tmp/
folder was a virtual one created by systemd for each app, so two apps
couldn't access each other the same /tmp/.

Anyhow, I would suggest to use /var/run/kamailio/ as the folder for fifo
and control socket files, it is considered a better practice from
security point of view, because /tmp is writable for everyone.


On 27.11.18 20:38, Markus wrote:
> I just restarted kamailio and the fifo appeared directly in /tmp
> So sorry, no idea why it didn't work the last time. (I did restart
> kamailio on 8th of November, before I posted here).
> Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
> Regards
> Markus
> [root at voip14 ~]# ls -altr /tmp/
> total 8
> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root     root        6 Dec  3  2016 .XIM-unix
> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root     root        6 Dec  3  2016 .X11-unix
> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root     root        6 Dec  3  2016 .font-unix
> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root     root        6 Dec  3  2016 .Test-unix
> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root     root        6 Dec  3  2016 .ICE-unix
> dr-xr-xr-x. 17 root     root     4096 Dec  3  2016 ..
> drwx------   3 root     root       16 Jul 21  2017
> systemd-private-e65a999fb0a24807a4ecb73e06ed5560-mariadb.service-VCo53M
> prw-rw----   1 kamailio kamailio    0 Nov 27 20:34 kamailio_fifo
> drwxrwxrwt.  8 root     root     4096 Nov 27 20:34 .
> Am 27.11.2018 um 18:32 schrieb Daniel-Constantin Mierla:
>> Hello,
>> was kamailio still running at that time? Was it restarted since your
>> previous email?
>> Can you start kamailio and then look inside /tmp for folders line
>> /tmp/systemd-...? List their content and see if any of them has the
>> kamailio fifo file.
>> The thing here is that systemd may create a virtual tmp for each
>> application, to isolate it from security point of view.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 27.11.18 18:05, Markus wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> it contains "tmp" which is empty:
>>> [root at voip14 /]# ls -altr
>>> /tmp/systemd-private-e65a999fb0a24807a4ecb73e06ed5560-mariadb.service-VCo53M/
>>> total 4
>>> drwxrwxrwt  2 root root    6 Jul 21  2017 tmp
>>> drwx------  3 root root   16 Jul 21  2017 .
>>> drwxrwxrwt. 8 root root 4096 Nov 27 03:10 ..
>>> [root at voip14 /]# ls -altr
>>> /tmp/systemd-private-e65a999fb0a24807a4ecb73e06ed5560-mariadb.service-VCo53M/tmp/
>>> total 0
>>> drwx------ 3 root root 16 Jul 21  2017 ..
>>> drwxrwxrwt 2 root root  6 Jul 21  2017 .
>>> Maybe mi_fifo module does not get loaded? How can I find out?
>>> Am 27.11.2018 um 13:27 schrieb Daniel-Constantin Mierla:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> can you check what is inside the folder:
>>>> /tmp/systemd-private-e65a999fb0a24807a4ecb73e06ed5560-mariadb.service-VCo53M/
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 27.11.18 13:15, Markus wrote:
>>>>> @David: I think it's all correct:
>>>>> /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg:
>>>>> loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
>>>>> # ----- mi_fifo params -----
>>>>> modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")
>>>>> /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc:
>>>>> ## path to FIFO file
>>>>> FIFOPATH="/tmp/kamailio_fifo"
>>>>> @Daniel: Yes, kamailio is running:
>>>>> [root at voip14 kamailio]# ps auxww|grep kamailio
>>>>> kamailio 27242  0.0  0.4 295068  7784 ?        S    Nov08   0:00
>>>>> /usr/sbin/kamailio -P /var/run/kamailio.pid -m 64 -M 8 -u kamailio -g
>>>>> kamailio
>>>>> ...etc...
>>>>> Yes, I use systemd under CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) and
>>>>> this
>>>>> is what /tmp looks like:
>>>>> [root at voip14 kamailio]# ls -altr /tmp/
>>>>> total 8
>>>>> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root root    6 Dec  3  2016 .XIM-unix
>>>>> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root root    6 Dec  3  2016 .X11-unix
>>>>> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root root    6 Dec  3  2016 .font-unix
>>>>> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root root    6 Dec  3  2016 .Test-unix
>>>>> drwxrwxrwt.  2 root root    6 Dec  3  2016 .ICE-unix
>>>>> dr-xr-xr-x. 17 root root 4096 Dec  3  2016 ..
>>>>> drwx------   3 root root   16 Jul 21  2017
>>>>> systemd-private-e65a999fb0a24807a4ecb73e06ed5560-mariadb.service-VCo53M
>>>>> drwxrwxrwt.  8 root root 4096 Nov 27 03:10 .
>>>>> [root at voip14 kamailio]#
>>>>> There's nothing in there.
>>>>> What to do now?
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Markus
>>>>> Am 13.11.2018 um 08:39 schrieb Daniel-Constantin Mierla:
>>>>>> Also be sure that kamailio is actually running.
>>>>>> Be careful if you use systemd, because it can create a virtual /tmp
>>>>>> for each application, so they do not see the same files in /tmp
>>>>>> folder...
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> On 09.11.18 04:44, David Villasmil wrote:
>>>>>>> Verify both names are correct on kamailio.cfg and kamctlrc
>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018, 14:35 Markus <universe at truemetal.org
>>>>>>> <mailto:universe at truemetal.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>       Hi list,
>>>>>>>       when I run "/usr/sbin/kamctl address reload" I get:
>>>>>>>       ERROR: Error opening Kamailio's FIFO /tmp/kamailio_fifo
>>>>>>>       ERROR: Make sure you have the line 'modparam("mi_fifo",
>>>>>>> "fifo_name",
>>>>>>>       "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")' in your config
>>>>>>>       ERROR: and also have loaded the mi_fifo module.
>>>>>>>       In /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg I have:
>>>>>>>       loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
>>>>>>>       # ----- mi_fifo params -----
>>>>>>>       modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")
>>>>>>>       But there's no fifo in /tmp.
>>>>>>>       What am I doing wrong?
>>>>>>>       kamailio-4.4.4-1.1.x86_64 on CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511
>>>>>>> (Core).
>>>>>>>       Thank you!
>>>>>>>       Markus
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>>>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla --www.asipto.com
>>>>>> www.twitter.com/miconda  --www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>>>>>> Kamailio World Conference --www.kamailioworld.com
>>>>>> Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin
>>>>>> --www.asipto.com
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference -- www.kamailioworld.com
Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin -- www.asipto.com

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