[SR-Users] Kamailio Memory Settings

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 09:08:56 CET 2018


On 12.02.18 14:00, Duarte Rocha wrote:
> Hey. 
> I have some questions about memory settings.
> I can see the default values with "kamailio -I" and change the current
> values with "kamailio -M 12 -m 128". How do i see the active settings
> and how do i change the default value?

kamctl stats prints the details about shared memory (size, used, free).

kamctl rpc pkg.stats prints similar details about private memory for
each process .

To change the default values, you have to edit src/core/config.h, set
new values for associated defines and recompile kamailio.

> I want to setup a proxy capable to handle 150CPS, 6k active calls,
> with Dispatcher, Database, Number Normalizations and other operations.
> What are good settings for CPU, RAM Memory, PKG_SIZE and SHM_SIZE?
Likely 12M for private memory is enough, for shared memory try with 512M
to be in safe side.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training - April 16-18, 2018, Berlin - www.asipto.com
Kamailio World Conference - May 14-16, 2018 - www.kamailioworld.com

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