[SR-Users] Convert 183+SDP and 180+SDP into a single reply w/SDP

yu at yu-boot.ru yu at yu-boot.ru
Mon Jul 16 16:18:11 CEST 2018

Thanks for an answer. And another question. Is there  any sense to trigger [NATMANAGE] or rtpproxy_manage() after drop()ing 183/180? My Kami is configured to always proxy all possible media between caller and callee.
sent from myMail for Android понедельник, 16 июля 2018г., 11:13 +03:00 от Daniel-Constantin Mierla  miconda at gmail.com :

>That's indeed much simpler if works.
>On 16.07.18 09:34, Yu Boot wrote:
> Thanks for advice.
> I simplify my task a bit by just pass only first 183/180 answer and
> then drop everything else. Seems to work properly.
> 16.07.2018 10:30, Daniel-Constantin Mierla пишет:
>> Hello,
>> if you define an onreply_route[x] to be executed for that invite
>> transaction, you can execute 'drop' instead of 'exit' and the reply
>> is not forwarded.
>> What is tricky is 'relay only last provisional' -- here you should
>> define the rules specific for the device/your environment and decide
>> when you need to drop or not -- message flags or htable can be
>> options to save some states to track whether to drop or not.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>Daniel-Constantin Mierla --  www.asipto.com
>www.twitter.com/miconda --  www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>Kamailio World Conference --  www.kamailioworld.com
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