[SR-Users] topos and record-route headers
Giuseppe Pandolfi
giuseppe.pandolfi at aethra.com
Fri Sep 22 20:05:59 CEST 2017
I'm trying to use topos module but I have a problem with record-route
header in re-invite for on hold.
Uac is a subscriber of sipwise platfrom (vm open source version);
my kamailio version is:
/# kamailio -v//
//version: kamailio 5.1.0-dev7 (ppc/linux) //
and uas is a subscriber of kamailio.
The call flow is:
UAC Sipwise Kamailio UAS
| | (topos
active) |
|-------- Invite -------->|---------- (1)Invite ----->|------- (2)Invite
|<------- 180/200 ------|<--- (4)180/(4)200 ----|<------- 180/200 ------|
|---------- Ack --------->|----------- (5)Ack ------>|-------- (6)Ack
|--- Invite (hold) ----->|-- (7)ReInvite(hold)-->|-- (8)Invite (hold)--->|
|<--------- 200 ----------|<--------- (9)200 -------|<--------- 200
| corrupt | corrupt |
|---- No Ack Sent-------|---- No Ack Sent-------|---- No Ack Sent-------|
*The problem:*
the 200 ok of re-invite is corrupt by topos, it hasn't via header and
contact isn't modified, then the uac can't send the ack.
In the kamailio trace I see the ERROR below:
*E!: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: ERROR: topos
[tps_storage.c:1254]: tps_db_update_dialog(): no valid dlg uuid*
*The questions are:*
Can I use topos for this scenario?
Is it possible that topos have bug when receive a re-invite with
record-route headers? Infact, in simple scenario without record-route
(call and hold between tow subscriber) everything works!
*My opinion is*: when topos receive a request with record-route
generates from record-route the new aleg and bleg tags (atpsh-xxxxx,
btpsh-yyyyyy) but don't save their in internal database if the request
is internal at dialog. Then a reintive whit record-route headers,
generate new aleg/bleg tags but they aren't in database, then the
response 200 ok it isn't elaborate.
below messages details, attached kamailio log and pcap trace.
tanks in advance for support,
INVITE sip:100 at;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a43.6c8d17d29887a0078c2cb6aca8684a27.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPa3L8art;rport=5080
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>
Max-Forwards: 69
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:390735594284 at>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 276
<sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a35303830>
INVITE sip:100 at;line=4d3148ee1d889aa SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a43.c9b996baf80be68d288d2de06cd9b212.0
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>
Max-Forwards: 69
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:390735594284 at>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 276
Contact: <sip:btpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-1 at>
*(3) 180 Ringing*
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
User-Agent: Linphone/3.6.1 (eXosip2/4.1.0)
Content-Length: 0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a43.6c8d17d29887a0078c2cb6aca8684a27.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPa3L8art;rport=5080
Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-1 at>
*(4) 200 OK*
SIP/2.0 200 OK
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
Content-Type: application/sdp
User-Agent: Linphone/3.6.1 (eXosip2/4.1.0)
Content-Length: 181
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a43.6c8d17d29887a0078c2cb6aca8684a27.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKPa3L8art;rport=5080
Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-1 at>
*(5) ACK*
ACK sip:atpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-1 at SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a43.4446035c867218358dbd848f773b5d09.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKspF2zas~;rport=5080
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
CSeq: 10 ACK
Max-Forwards: 69
Content-Length: 0
<sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a35303830>
*(6) ACK*
ACK sip:100 at SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1a43.b1cce71dc1b004e442faca53cd6d8994.0
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
CSeq: 10 ACK
Max-Forwards: 69
Content-Length: 0
Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-2 at>
*(7) Re-Invite *
INVITE sip:atpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-1 at SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a43.3723a1a3f343f1f1974a66f4a62f41a9.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKf6peiap7;rport=5080
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
Max-Forwards: 69
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 276
<sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a35303830>
*(8) Re-Invite*
INVITE sip:100 at SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2a43.a4e5f5baf85414d4471a1e817bdc1e00.0
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
Max-Forwards: 69
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, timer, X-cisco-serviceuri
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 276
Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c55b4a-4fa6-3 at>
**(9) 200 OK*
SIP/2.0 200 OK
<sip:390735594284 at>;tag=6D91D5F4-59C53F38000E3F0A-D551C700
To: <sip:100 at>;tag=856281851
Contact: <sip:100 at>
Content-Type: application/sdp
User-Agent: Linphone/3.6.1 (eXosip2/4.1.0)
Content-Length: 211
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L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINIT_FAILURE nDevice=0 nLineInitStatus=LINIT_NO_PEER_XTU nLineInitSubStatus=LINIT_SUB_NONE
W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: unhandled event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=0000085F
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x0000085F, i.e. ORDERLY_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000001
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000001, i.e. EXCEPTION
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: DSL_INTERFACE_STATUS = DOWN
W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:230 xdsl0: xdsl line id 0 is using ptm tc, setting l2 interface status down on line state event
/bin/sh: can't create /proc/dsl_tc/status: nonexistent directory
W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: cat: can't open '/proc/dsl_tc/status': No such file or directory
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINIT_FAILURE nDevice=0 nLineInitStatus=LINIT_UNKNOWN nLineInitSubStatus=LINIT_SUB_S_INTENDED_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN
W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: unhandled event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000000
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000000, i.e. NOT_INITIALIZED
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=3 nFirmwareRequestType=3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=3 (i.e. XDSL)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: autoboot status=3 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_FW_WAIT)
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:17:300 xdsl0: processed eventae_vatm_client: atmdev=c6f27c00 signal=0, was 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:500 xdsl0: framer state is abort
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:510 OFInterface: Interface vcc1 phy status DOWN indication
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:510 OFInterface: Interface vcc0 phy status DOWN indication
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:18:510 xdsl0: framer state is ifc down
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:860 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=182
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [20 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:242]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts...
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=529 global id=528 T start=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=182
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=26089, isACK=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:417]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:641]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=529 global id=529 T end=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:120]: has_totag(): no totag
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=529 global id=529 T start=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1076]: t_check_msg(): T previously sought and not found for msg (0x4818f0f4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route AUTH
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: permissions [address.c:491]: allow_source_address(): looking for <1, c0a80149, 5080>
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Request INVITE from Trusted Host
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:120]: has_totag(): no totag
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:120]: has_totag(): no totag
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/select.c:412]: run_select(): Calling SELECT 0x4814fbd0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/select.c:412]: run_select(): Calling SELECT 0x4814fbd0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:768]: internal_get_dlg(): no dialog callid='340526538' found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:833]: dlg_search(): dialog with callid='340526538' not found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:464]: build_new_dlg(): new dialog on hash 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:255]: populate_leg_info(): route_set , contact sip:100 at, cseq 20 and bind_addr udp:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:887]: link_dlg(): linking dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:896]: link_dlg(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_cb.c:228]: run_create_callbacks(): dialog=0x4849a5e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: acc [acc_cdr.c:784]: cdr_on_create(): dialog '0x4849a5e8' created!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:727]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): not storing dlg in db during initial or deleted states
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484ad430):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:727]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): not storing dlg in db during initial or deleted states
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484ad7a8):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:727]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): not storing dlg in db during initial or deleted states
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484ad360):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:1814]: dlg_manage(): dialog created before transaction
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: pv [pv_core.c:400]: pv_get_xto_attr(): no Display name
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:214]: set_dlg_variable_unsafe(): dialog variable <from_name> does not exist in variable list
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:727]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): not storing dlg in db during initial or deleted states
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484adb88):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_uri=sip:100 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:727]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): not storing dlg in db during initial or deleted states
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484b09ec):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): to_uri=sip:0735594284 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_uri=sip:100 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484b09ec):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): to_uri=sip:0735594284 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_uri=sip:100 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:727]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): not storing dlg in db during initial or deleted states
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484ad6d4):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_name= (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): to_uri=sip:0735594284 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_uri=sip:100 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route FIND_CALLING_HOST
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: auth_db [auth_db_mod.c:237]: is_subscriber(): uri [sip:100 at] table [subscriber] flags [3]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select username from subscriber where username=?1 AND domain=?2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48082ddc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result names at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:870 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 24 bytes for row values at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 1 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:ae_vatm_client: atmdev=c6f27c00 signal=0, was 0
19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[0] '100' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48082ddc
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: INVITE from Subscriber [From:sip:100 at]
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route FIND_OUTBOUND_DESTINATION
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route IS_LOCAL_USER
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: registrar [lookup.c:233]: lookup_helper(): '0735594284 at' Not found in usrloc
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Request is not for Location User
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2192]: load_gws(): load_gws(1, 0735594284, 100)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:0719945853>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:0712506.*>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:0861772506.*>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:0736899654.*>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:0715060.*>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:2222 at .*$>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2293]: load_gws(): added matched_gws[0]=[4, 0, 0, 5818168]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <(00|\+)([1-9][0-9]+)071506057.*>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2274]: load_gws(): request uri <sip:0735594284 at> did not match to request regex <sip:570[0-9]@.*$>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:1989]: add_gws_into_avps(): added gw_uri_avp <4|sip:|0||Profilo2|3232263812||5060||;transport=udp|5> with weight <5818168>
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: GW Selected gw_uri_avp 4|sip:|0||Profilo2|3232263812||5060||;transport=udp|5
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route LOAD_OUTBOUND_PROFILE
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route GET_OUTBOUND_PROFILE
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: SELECT application, profile, dpid_translation_calling_out,dpid_translation_called_out FROM lcr_gw_profile WHERE profile_name='Profilo2'
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48082ddc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 16 bytes for result names at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 16 bytes for result types at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 96 bytes for row values at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 4 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f58c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[0] 'sbc' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] 'transparent' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48082ddc
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Outbound-Profile - Application: sbc, Profile: transparent, CallingOutId: 1, CalledOutId: 1
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route OUTBOUND_TRANSLATION
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:221]: dp_get_ivalue(): searching 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:229]: dp_get_ivalue(): dpid is 1 from pv argument
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:238]: dp_get_svalue(): searching 20
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:334]: dp_translate_f(): input is 100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:606]: dp_translate_helper(): regex operator testing over [100]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:681]: dp_translate_helper(): found a matching rule 0x484952f8: pr 10, match_exp (^[1-9][0-9][0-9])
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:688]: dp_translate_helper(): the rule's attrs are FromLocalToPublic
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:699]: dp_translate_helper(): the copied attributes are: FromLocalToPublic
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:477]: rule_translate(): copying <+390715060> from replacing string
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:495]: rule_translate(): copying match <100> token size 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:343]: dp_translate_f(): input 100 with dpid 1 => output +390715060100
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: OUTBOUND TRANSLATION CALLING: dpid: 1 - dp_resp 1
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: OUTBOUND TRANSLATION CALLING: dp_resp 1 - dp_attr FromLocalToPublic - dp_translate 100 --> +390715060100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:221]: dp_get_ivalue(): searching 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:229]: dp_get_ivalue(): dpid is 1 from pv argument
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:238]: dp_get_svalue(): searching 7
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:334]: dp_translate_f(): input is 0735594284
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:606]: dp_translate_helper(): regex operator testing over [0735594284]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:606]: dp_translate_helper(): regex operator testing over [0735594284]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:681]: dp_translate_helper(): found a matching rule 0x4849553c: pr 10, match_exp ([0-9]{8,20})
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:688]: dp_translate_helper(): the rule's attrs are toFastweb
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:699]: dp_translate_helper(): the copied attributes are: toFastweb
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dp_repl.c:495]: rule_translate(): copying match <0735594284> token size 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialplan [dialplan.c:343]: dp_translate_f(): input 0735594284 with dpid 1 => output 0735594284
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: OUTBOUND TRANSLATION CALLED: dpid: 1 - dp_resp 1
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: OUTBOUND TRANSLATION CALLED: dp_resp 1 - dp_attr toFastweb - dp_translate 0735594284 --> 0735594284
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: TYPE DEST: 5
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Relaying Request to External Sip-Trunk
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [../../core/resolve.h:258]: str2ip(): str2ip: ERROR: too few dots in [3232263812]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [../../core/resolve.h:355]: str2ip6(): str2ip6: ERROR: too few colons in [3232263812]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2454]: generate_uris(): r_uri <sip:0735594284 at;transport=udp>, dst_uri <>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2734]: next_gw(): added ruri_user_avp <0735594284>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2773]: next_gw(): added flags_avp <5>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: lcr [lcr_mod.c:2780]: next_gw(): added tag_avp <Profilo2>
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Selected Peer: ip:[] - port[5060] - transport[udp]
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: R URI: sip:0735594284 at;transport=udp
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==9 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5064 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==14 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1302]: t_newtran(): msg id=529 , global msg id=529 , T on entrance=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=26089, isACK=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:417]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:641]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:349]: run_reqin_callbacks_internal(): trans=0x484ae574, callback type 1, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:349]: run_reqin_callbacks_internal(): trans=0x484ae574, callback type 1, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:765]: dlg_onreq(): dialog added to tm callbacks
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/md5utils.c:67]: MD5StringArray(): MD5 calculated: e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:320]: t_relay_to(): new INVITE
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <100>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <trying -- your call is important to us>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:596]: _reply_light(): reply sent out. buf=0x48190cbc: SIP/2.0 100 trying -..., shmem=0x484a074c: SIP/2.0 100 trying -
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:606]: _reply_light(): finished
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_BRANCH: new branch [0] to sip:0735594284 at;transport=udp
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:0735594284 at;transport=udp>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=182
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:934]: tps_request_sent(): handling outgoing request
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0](80) - x_via2: [SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883](85) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:435]: tps_pack_message(): single record routing by proxy
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>](36)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32](34) - bs_contact: [sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32](34)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:916]: tps_db_load_branch(): no stored record for <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:183]: sruid_next(): new sruid is [tpsh-59c4d133-ece-43] (52 / 20)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into topos_d (rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8,?9,?10,?11,?12,?13,?14,?15,?16,?17,?18,?19,?20,?21)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into topos_t (rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8,?9,?10,?11,?12,?13,?14)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(1) - [Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Contact: <sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>
E!: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: ERROR: topos [tps_storage.c:1254]: tps_db_update_dialog(): no valid dlg uuid
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:368]: t_relay_to(): new transaction forwarded
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:283]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 18809 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:880 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <100>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Trying>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5060>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <100>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Trying>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5060>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [33]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [20 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=530 global id=529 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26089 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=530 global id=530 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=100, uac[0]=0 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:713]: parse_sdp(): message body has length zero
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=100, new_code=100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=-1 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 621 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:890 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <180>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Ringing>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5060>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0](91) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>](395) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x481907c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481907c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48190af0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48170864
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883' at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '1299011341' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '20' at 0x4814be98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:890]: tps_response_received(): loaded dialog a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 504 bytes for row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 21 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x48170864
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x48190af0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x48190068
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x481902e0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x4817066c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48190388
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818fa3c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[4] 'sip:100 at' at 0x48174bbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[5] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] '<sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[7] '<sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[8] '1299011341' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[9] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[10] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:19:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[11] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[12] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x4814be98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[16] '' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[17] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[18] '' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[19] 'INVITE' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[20] '20' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update topos_t set b_contact=?1,y_rr=?2,b_tag=?3 where a_uuid=?4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Record-Route: <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [P-SR-XBranch: z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <180>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Ringing>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5060>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [20 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=531 global id=530 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26089 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=531 global id=531 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=100, uac[0]=100 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:713]: parse_sdp(): message body has length zero
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=100, new_code=180
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=0 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 32, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2265]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): old size: 1100, new size: 1002
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2283]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): copied size: orig:560, new: 462, rest: 540 msg=
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Record-Route: <sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>
Record-Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
Record-Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
From: <sip:+390715060100 at>;tag=1299011341
To: <sip:0735594284 at>;tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
Call-ID: 340526538
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Content-Length: 0
Contact: <sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883
Record-Route: <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
P-SR-XBranch: z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 1048576, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:1134]: next_state_dlg(): dialog 0x4849a5e8 changed from state 1 to state 2, due event 2 (ref 2)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <180>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Ringing>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1031]: tps_response_sent(): handling outgoing response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883](85) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bK99413883](15)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>](432) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48083638
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f9e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481906c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48174c10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818f734
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883' at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192738
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '1299011341' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '20' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] 'sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31' at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x481907c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48083638
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1062]: tps_response_sent(): loaded branch a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48083638
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result names at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result types at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 504 bytes for row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 21 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f734
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x48174c10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x481906c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x4818f9e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x4819093c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x48190770
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x4818fd00
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818fa90
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818fe9c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[4] 'sip:100 at' at 0x4818fdf4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[5] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] '<sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[7] '<sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[8] '1299011341' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[9] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[10] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[11] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[12] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[16] '' at 0x4814be98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[17] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[18] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[19] 'INVITE' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[20] '20' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48083638
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 8975 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_FIRMWARE_REQUEST nDevice=0 nFirmwareRequestType=DSL_FW_REQUEST_XDSL nPortMode=DSL_PORT_MODE_SINGLE
W1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: unhandled event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=000000FF
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x000000FF, i.e. IDLE_REQUEST
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS nDevice=0 nError=0 nFwType=1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nFwType=1 (i.e. ADSL), nError=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: DSL_FW_LOAD_SUCCESS
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=2 nFirmwareRequestType=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=0 (i.e. unknown)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: autoboot status=2 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_RUNNING)
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000100, i.e. IDLE
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=4 nFirmwareRequestType=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=0 (i.e. unknown)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: autoboot status=4 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_CONFIG_WRITE_WAIT)
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000100, i.e. IDLE
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=2 nFirmwareRequestType=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=0 (i.e. unknown)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: autoboot status=2 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_RUNNING)
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=5 nFirmwareRequestType=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=0 (i.e. unknown)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: autoboot status=5 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_LINK_ACTIVATE_WAIT)
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000100, i.e. IDLE
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_LINE_STATE nDevice=0 nLineState=00000200
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nLineState = 0x00000200, i.e. READY
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processing event: sEventType=DSL_EVENT_S_AUTOBOOT_STATUS nDevice0 nStatus=2 nFirmwareRequestType=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: nFirmwareRequestType=0 (i.e. unknown)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: autoboot status=2 (i.e. DSL_AUTOBOOT_STATUS_RUNNING)
L1: U 22/09/2017 10:24:20:230 xdsl0: processed event
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5060>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=276
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0](91) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>](395) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:200 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x4819159c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x481907c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481907c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48174bbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48190388
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883' at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192738
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '1299011341' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '20' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] 'sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31' at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x4819159c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:890]: tps_response_received(): loaded dialog a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x4819159c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 504 bytes for row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 21 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x48190388
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x48174bbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x48190068
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x481902e0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x4819093c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x481901a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818f9e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x481706c0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[4] 'sip:100 at' at 0x4818fd00
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[5] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] '<sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[7] '<sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[8] '1299011341' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[9] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[10] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[11] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[12] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x4814be98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[16] '' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[17] '' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[18] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[19] 'INVITE' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[20] '20' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x4819159c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update topos_d set b_rr=?1,b_tag=?2,iflags=?3 where a_uuid=?4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Record-Route: <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [P-SR-XBranch: z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5060>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [20 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=532 global id=531 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26089 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=532 global id=532 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=180, uac[0]=180 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=276
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=ffffffffffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `o=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:575]: parse_sdp_session(): ignoring unknown type in a= line: `a=direction:both
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=180, new_code=200
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=0 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 32, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2265]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): old size: 1543, new size: 1445
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2283]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): copied size: orig:555, new: 457, rest: 988 msg=
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Record-Route: <sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>
Record-Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
Record-Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
From: <sip:+390715060100 at>;tag=1299011341
To: <sip:0735594284 at>;tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
Call-ID: 340526538
Supported: replaces, norefersub, extended-refer, X-cisco-serviceuri
User-Agent: Z 3.3.25608 r25552
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 276
Contact: <sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883
Record-Route: <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
P-SR-XBranch: z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0
o=Z 0 2 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 30182 RTP/AVP 8 3 110 98 101
a=rtpmap:110 speex/8000
a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000
a=fmtp:98 mode=20
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:331]: update_totag_set(): new totag
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 1048576, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:1134]: next_state_dlg(): dialog 0x4849a5e8 changed from state 2 to state 3, due event 3 (ref 2)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:914]: dlg_ref_helper(): ref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_handlers.c:1746
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:918]: dlg_ref_helper(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:1750]: dlg_run_event_route(): executing event_route 1 on state 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484ad6d4):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_name= (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): to_uri=sip:0735594284 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_uri=sip:100 at (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: DIALOG-START name: - FROM: sip:100 at - TO: sip:0735594284 at - STATE: 3 - METHOD: INVITE
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:210 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog_vars (hash_entry,hash_id,dialog_key,dialog_value ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:742]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): updated 7 vars for dlg [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:261]: print_lists(): Internal var-list ((nil)):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:271]: print_lists(): Dialog var-list (0x484ad688):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): state=3 (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_name= (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): to_uri=sip:0735594284 at (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): from_uri=sip:100 at (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): duration=0 (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): end_time=1506075856.843 (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:276]: print_lists(): start_time=1506075856.843 (flags 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_handlers.c:1775
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:473]: dlg_onreply(): dialog 0x4849a5e8 confirmed (ACK pending)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:381]: print_rr_body(): current rr is <sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:381]: print_rr_body(): current rr is <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:381]: print_rr_body(): current rr is <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:381]: print_rr_body(): current rr is <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:406]: print_rr_body(): skipping 1 route records
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:444]: print_rr_body(): out rr [<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_rr.c:445]: print_rr_body(): we have 3 records
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:255]: populate_leg_info(): route_set <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>, contact sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31, cseq and bind_addr udp:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:742]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): updated 7 vars for dlg [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_db_handler.c:783]: update_dialog_dbinfo_unsafe(): sock_info is udp:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:1055]: dlg_profiles_to_json(): serializing profiles for dlg[364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:220 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into dialog (hash_entry,hash_id,callid,from_uri,from_tag,to_uri,to_tag,caller_sock,callee_sock,start_time,state,timeout,caller_cseq,callee_cseq,caller_contact,callee_contact,caller_route_set,callee_route_set,sflags,toroute_name,req_uri,xdata,iflags ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8,?9,?10,?11,?12,?13,?14,?15,?16,?17,?18,?19,?20,?21,?22,?23)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_timer.c:110]: insert_dialog_timer_unsafe(): inserting 0x4849a62c for 94661337
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:914]: dlg_ref_helper(): ref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_handlers.c:518
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:918]: dlg_ref_helper(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=276
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK99413883>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1031]: tps_response_sent(): handling outgoing response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883](85) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bK99413883](15)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>](432) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x4818fb84
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x481918dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x48170864
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x481906c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x48174c10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481918dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818f734
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48174ac4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5080;branch=z9hG4bK99413883' at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bK9e56.e230be136a8b1e40a20541bc3d911a6f.0' at 0x48174934
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192738
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '1299011341' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '20' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] 'sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31' at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x4818fb84
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1062]: tps_response_sent(): loaded branch a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x4818fb84
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result names at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result types at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 504 bytes for row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 21 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x48174ac4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f734
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x48174c10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x481906c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x48170864
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x48170810
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x48190520
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x480819d4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x48191884
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[4] 'sip:100 at' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[5] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] '<sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x481918dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[7] '<sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x48174934
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[8] '1299011341' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[9] '0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700' at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[11] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[12] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48192038
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[16] '' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[17] '' at 0x4814be98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[18] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[19] 'INVITE' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[20] '20' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x4818fb84
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update topos_d set b_contact=?1 where a_uuid=?2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1629]: cleanup_uac_timers(): RETR/FR timers reset
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 22884 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:794]: free_sdp(): _sdp = 0x4818f1fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:796]: free_sdp(): sdp = 0x481915f4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:798]: free_sdp(): session = 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:230 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/udp_server.c:489]: udp_rcv_loop(): probing packet received from 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <ACK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK2016319061>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <ACK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:742]: tps_request_received(): handling incoming request
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK2016319061](60) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bK2016319061](17)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x481915f4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:260 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 504 bytes for row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 21 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x481707bc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x481708b8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x48170618
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x48190894
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x4817066c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480816c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818fa3c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4819093c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[4] 'sip:100 at' at 0x481706c0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[5] 'sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31' at 0x48192038
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] '<sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[7] '<sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[8] '1299011341' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[9] '0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700' at 0x48083638
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[10] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[11] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[12] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[16] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[17] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[18] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[19] 'INVITE' at 0x4814be98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[20] '20' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x481915f4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:816]: tps_request_received(): r-uri updated to: [sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Route: <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Route: <sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [P-SR-XUID: atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <ACK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <n/a>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK2016319061>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [72]; uri=[sip:0735594284 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:0735594284 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <20> <ACK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [20 ACK]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:242]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts...
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: sl [sl_funcs.c:387]: sl_filter_ACK(): to late to be a local ACK!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:123]: has_totag(): totag found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:89]: is_preloaded(): is_preloaded: No
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 15==9 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5064 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 15==14 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 15==13 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/forward.c:412]: check_self(): host != me
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==9 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5064 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==14 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:788]: after_loose(): Topmost route URI: 'sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32' is me
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:884]: after_loose(): URI to be processed: 'sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:'
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:893]: after_loose(): Next URI is a loose router
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [rr_cb.c:95]: run_rr_callbacks(): callback id 0 entered with <lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:1265]: dlg_onroute(): route param is 'c61.bb32' (len=8)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:1134]: next_state_dlg(): dialog 0x4849a5e8 changed from state 3 to state 4, due event 6 (ref 3)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_timer.c:110]: insert_dialog_timer_unsafe(): inserting 0x4849a62c for 94661337
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update dialog set state=?1,timeout=?2,caller_cseq=?3,callee_cseq=?4,caller_contact=?5,callee_contact=?6 where hash_entry=?7 AND hash_id=?8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:1467]: dlg_onroute(): confirming ACK successfully processed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_cb.c:254]: run_dlg_callbacks(): dialog=0x4849a5e8, type=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update dialog set state=?1,timeout=?2,caller_cseq=?3,callee_cseq=?4,caller_contact=?5,callee_contact=?6 where hash_entry=?7 AND hash_id=?8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1302]: t_newtran(): msg id=533 , global msg id=532 , T on entrance=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:21:270 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=26089, isACK=1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:26:190 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [h_table.c:129]: free_cell_helper(): freeing transaction 0x484ae574 from timer.c:651
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:26:190 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:303]: dlg_iuid_sfree(): freeing dlg iuid [364:9147] (0x484ada50)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:31:240 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/udp_server.c:489]: udp_rcv_loop(): probing packet received from 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: usrloc [ucontact.c:1012]: db_update_ucontact_ruid(): ruid:uloc-59c4d133-ece-2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: usrloc [ucontact.c:1141]: db_update_ucontact_ruid(): contact:sip:107 at
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update location set expires=?1,q=?2,cseq=?3,flags=?4,cflags=?5,user_agent=?6,received=?7,path=?8,socket=?9,methods=?10,last_modified=?11,callid=?12,instance=?13,reg_id=?14,server_id=?15,connection_id=?16,keepalive=?17,contact=?18 where ruid=?19
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: usrloc [ucontact.c:1804]: uldb_delete_attrs_ruid(): trying to delete location attributes
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: delete from location_attrs where ruid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: usrloc [ucontact.c:1860]: uldb_insert_attrs(): trying to insert location attributes
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: usrloc [ucontact.c:1871]: uldb_insert_attrs(): no location attributes
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: SELECT count(*) FROM dialog WHERE sflags=1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480819d4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result names at 0x48147848
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x480b0dbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 24 bytes for row values at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: sqlops [sql_api.c:284]: sql_do_query(): rows [1] cols [1]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 1 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48147848
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x480b0dbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480819d4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:39:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:41:240 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/udp_server.c:489]: udp_rcv_loop(): probing packet received from 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5062>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKLWD~9a14>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=20
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=276
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:742]: tps_request_received(): handling incoming request
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0](81) - x_via2: [SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;branch=z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKLWD~9a14;rport=5080](171) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:443]: tps_pack_message(): double record routing by proxy
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX;rtpprx=yes;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50>](199) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>](227)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:](108) - bs_contact: [sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:](114)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where b_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:780 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 84 bytes for result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 504 bytes for row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 21 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x48190a9c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x481705c4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x4819071c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x48190388
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x4818fa90
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48191794
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x481748a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x48081ef4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818fe9c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43' at 0x4818fdf4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[4] 'sip:100 at' at 0x48190770
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[5] 'sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a353038303b707278726f7574653d31' at 0x48191fa0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] '<sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x48190668
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[7] '<sip:btpsh-59c4d133-ece-43 at>' at 0x481914dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[8] '1299011341' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[9] '0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700' at 0x48190428
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[10] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[11] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;aset=50;rtpprx=yes;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;nat=yes;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[12] '<sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[16] '' at 0x48083548
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[17] '' at 0x48190fb8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[18] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[19] 'INVITE' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[20] '20' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x4819125c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:816]: tps_request_received(): r-uri updated to: [sip:100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Route: <sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [P-SR-XUID: atpsh-59c4d133-ece-43
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:100 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5062>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=78
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKLWD~9a14>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=78
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [10 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:242]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts...
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=534 global id=533 T start=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=276
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=26763, isACK=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:417]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:641]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=534 global id=534 T end=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:123]: has_totag(): totag found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:89]: is_preloaded(): is_preloaded: No
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 12==9 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5064 (advertise 0) matches port 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 12==14 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 12==13 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/forward.c:412]: check_self(): host != me
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==9 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5064 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==14 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:788]: after_loose(): Topmost route URI: 'sip:;lr;did=c61.bb32' is me
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:180]: find_next_route(): No next Route HF found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [loose.c:813]: after_loose(): No next URI found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [rr_cb.c:95]: run_rr_callbacks(): callback id 0 entered with <lr;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:1265]: dlg_onroute(): route param is 'c61.bb32' (len=8)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:1134]: next_state_dlg(): dialog 0x4849a5e8 changed from state 4 to state 4, due event 8 (ref 3)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_timer.c:110]: insert_dialog_timer_unsafe(): inserting 0x4849a62c for 94661358
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:665]: dlg_update_contact(): contact of leg[1] is sip:ngcp-lb at;ngcpct=7369703a3132372e302e302e313a35303830
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:617]: dlg_update_cseq(): cseq of leg[1] is 10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: update dialog set state=?1,timeout=?2,caller_cseq=?3,callee_cseq=?4,caller_contact=?5,callee_contact=?6 where hash_entry=?7 AND hash_id=?8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:1472]: dlg_onroute(): sequential request successfully processed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: rr [record.c:918]: add_rr_param(): rr_param_buf=<;did=c61.bb32>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1302]: t_newtran(): msg id=534 , global msg id=534 , T on entrance=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=26763, isACK=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:417]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:641]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:349]: run_reqin_callbacks_internal(): trans=0x484ae574, callback type 1, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:349]: run_reqin_callbacks_internal(): trans=0x484ae574, callback type 1, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:765]: dlg_onreq(): dialog added to tm callbacks
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/md5utils.c:67]: MD5StringArray(): MD5 calculated: bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:320]: t_relay_to(): new INVITE
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:159]: check_via_address(): (,, 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <100>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <trying -- your call is important to us>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5062>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKLWD~9a14>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=20
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:596]: _reply_light(): reply sent out. buf=0x4819125c: SIP/2.0 100 trying -..., shmem=0x484a66e0: SIP/2.0 100 trying -
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:606]: _reply_light(): finished
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_BRANCH: new branch [0] to sip:100 at
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:159]: check_via_address(): (,, 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5080
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:100 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:505]: parse_headers(): this is the second via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5062>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=20
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 234, <received> = <>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKLWD~9a14>; state=6
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 235, <rport> = <5080>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=20
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=276
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:934]: tps_request_sent(): handling outgoing request
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](80) - x_via2: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;branch=z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKLWD~9a14;rport=5080](253) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:443]: tps_pack_message(): double record routing by proxy
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX;rtpprx=yes;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50>](199) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>](227)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:](108) - bs_contact: [sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:](114)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:916]: tps_db_load_branch(): no stored record for <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:183]: sruid_next(): new sruid is [tpsh-59c4d133-ece-63] (54 / 20)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:790 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: insert into topos_t (rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq ) values (?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8,?9,?10,?11,?12,?13,?14)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:1057]: tps_db_load_dialog(): no stored record for <atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x48082204
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(1) - [Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:182]: tps_add_headers(): adding to headers(0) - [Contact: <sip:atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63 at>
E!: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: ERROR: topos [tps_storage.c:1254]: tps_db_update_dialog(): no valid dlg uuid
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:368]: t_relay_to(): new transaction forwarded
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:283]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 12228 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <100>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Trying>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <100>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <Trying>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [10 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=535 global id=534 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26763 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=535 global id=535 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=100, uac[0]=0 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:713]: parse_sdp(): message body has length zero
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=100, new_code=100
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=-1 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 633 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:800 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](80) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:810 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x4818f7f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x4818fda0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;branch=z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKLWD~9a14;rport=5080' at 0x48190cbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX;rtpprx=yes;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50>' at 0x4818fbdc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192320
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700' at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '10' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:890]: tps_response_received(): loaded dialog a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:1057]: tps_db_load_dialog(): no stored record for <atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
E!: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: ERROR: topos [tps_storage.c:1254]: tps_db_update_dialog(): no valid dlg uuid
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [10 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=536 global id=535 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26763 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=536 global id=536 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=100, uac[0]=100 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `o=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=100, new_code=200
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=0 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2265]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): old size: 623, new size: 536
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2283]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): copied size: orig:103, new: 16, rest: 520 msg=
SIP/2.0 200 OK
From: <sip:0735594284 at>;tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
To: <sip:+390715060100 at>;tag=1299011341
Call-ID: 340526538
Contact: <sip:100 at>
Content-Type: application/sdp
User-Agent: Linphone/3.6.1 (eXosip2/4.1.0)
Content-Length: 212
o=100 1020 1588 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 7078 RTP/AVP 8 101
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-11
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1031]: tps_response_sent(): handling outgoing response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1038]: tps_response_sent(): no x-branch header - nothing to do
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1629]: cleanup_uac_timers(): RETR/FR timers reset
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 1935 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:794]: free_sdp(): _sdp = 0x4818f1fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:796]: free_sdp(): sdp = 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:42:820 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:798]: free_sdp(): session = 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:900 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: delete from location where expires<?1 AND expires<>?2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:900 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:765]: tps_db_clean_branches(): cleaning expired branch records
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:900 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: delete from topos_t where rectime<=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:900 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:608]: tps_db_clean_dialogs(): cleaning expired dialog records
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:900 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: delete from topos_d where rectime<=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:900 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: delete from topos_d where rectime<=?1 AND iflags=?2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:980 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](80) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481905c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x481909f4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x481708b8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;branch=z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKLWD~9a14;rport=5080' at 0x48190cbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX;rtpprx=yes;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50>' at 0x48192320
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x4818fbdc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700' at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '10' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:890]: tps_response_received(): loaded dialog a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:1057]: tps_db_load_dialog(): no stored record for <atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
E!: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: ERROR: topos [tps_storage.c:1254]: tps_db_update_dialog(): no valid dlg uuid
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [10 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=537 global id=536 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26763 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=537 global id=537 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=200, uac[0]=200 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `o=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=200, new_code=200
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1268]: t_should_relay_response(): 200 INV after final sent
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=0 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2265]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): old size: 623, new size: 536
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2283]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): copied size: orig:103, new: 16, rest: 520 msg=
SIP/2.0 200 OK
From: <sip:0735594284 at>;tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
To: <sip:+390715060100 at>;tag=1299011341
Call-ID: 340526538
Contact: <sip:100 at>
Content-Type: application/sdp
User-Agent: Linphone/3.6.1 (eXosip2/4.1.0)
Content-Length: 212
o=100 1020 1588 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 7078 RTP/AVP 8 101
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-11
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1031]: tps_response_sent(): handling outgoing response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1038]: tps_response_sent(): no x-branch header - nothing to do
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 1908 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:794]: free_sdp(): _sdp = 0x4818f1fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:796]: free_sdp(): sdp = 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:43:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:798]: free_sdp(): session = 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](80) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:45:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x4819102c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x4818fe48
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x4818f7f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;branch=z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKLWD~9a14;rport=5080' at 0x48190cbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX;rtpprx=yes;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50>' at 0x4818fbdc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '' at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x48192320
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[11] '0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700' at 0x48081e24
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[12] 'INVITE' at 0x48170944
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[13] '10' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[14] '' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[15] '' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:890]: tps_response_received(): loaded dialog a_uuid [atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,a_contact,b_contact,as_contact,bs_contact,a_tag,b_tag,a_rr,b_rr,s_rr,iflags,a_uri,b_uri,r_uri,a_srcaddr,b_srcaddr,s_method,s_cseq from topos_d where a_uuid=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:1057]: tps_db_load_dialog(): no stored record for <atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
E!: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: ERROR: topos [tps_storage.c:1254]: tps_db_update_dialog(): no valid dlg uuid
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:136]: tps_storage_lock_release(): tps lock release: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - reply - call-id: [340526538] - cseq: [10 INVITE]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=538 global id=537 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:879]: t_reply_matching(): t_reply_matching: hash 26763 label 0 branch 0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:933]: t_reply_matching(): reply (0x4818f0f4) matched an active transaction (T=0x484ae574)!
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:258]: run_trans_callbacks_internal(): DBG: trans=0x484ae574, callback type 2, id 0 entered
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:702]: dlg_lookup(): ref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:704]: dlg_lookup(): dialog id=9147 found on entry 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_profile.c:536]: set_current_dialog(): setting current dialog [364:9147]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:934]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref op on 0x4849a5e8 with 1 from dlg_hash.c:952
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_hash.c:938]: dlg_unref_helper(): unref dlg 0x4849a5e8 with 1 -> 2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=538 global id=538 T end=0x484ae574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:2205]: reply_received(): org. status uas=200, uac[0]=200 local=0 is_invite=1)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <script>: MANAGE_REPLY: incoming reply
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `o=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp_helpr_funcs.c:504]: extract_mediaip(): located IP address [] in `c=' field
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1263]: t_should_relay_response(): ->>>>>>>>> T_code=200, new_code=200
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1268]: t_should_relay_response(): 200 INV after final sent
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:1786]: relay_reply(): branch=0, save=0, relay=0 icode=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2265]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): old size: 623, new size: 536
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:2283]: generate_res_buf_from_sip_res(): copied size: orig:103, new: 16, rest: 520 msg=
SIP/2.0 200 OK
From: <sip:0735594284 at>;tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
To: <sip:+390715060100 at>;tag=1299011341
Call-ID: 340526538
Contact: <sip:100 at>
Content-Type: application/sdp
User-Agent: Linphone/3.6.1 (eXosip2/4.1.0)
Content-Length: 212
o=100 1020 1588 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 7078 RTP/AVP 8 101
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-11
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1031]: tps_response_sent(): handling outgoing response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:1038]: tps_response_sent(): no x-branch header - nothing to do
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:356]: receive_msg(): reply-route executed in: 1884 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_var.c:97]: cb_dlg_locals_reset(): resetting the local dialog shortcuts on script callback: 2147483652
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:794]: free_sdp(): _sdp = 0x4818f1fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:796]: free_sdp(): sdp = 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/sdp/sdp.c:798]: free_sdp(): session = 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <REGISTER>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK-7f4f3283>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [35]; uri=[sip:107 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body ["Spa303" <sip:107 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <36997> <REGISTER>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=942b730bd2f91fa4o0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:604]: parse_msg(): SIP Request:
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:606]: parse_msg(): method: <REGISTER>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:608]: parse_msg(): uri: <sip:>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:610]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK-7f4f3283>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=10
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [35]; uri=[sip:107 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body ["Spa303" <sip:107 at>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <36997> <REGISTER>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:199]: receive_msg(): --- received sip message - request - call-id: [57113cbc-a948c31d at] - cseq: [36997 REGISTER]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:242]: receive_msg(): preparing to run routing scripts...
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=942b730bd2f91fa4o0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=539 global id=538 T start=0xffffffff
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:459]: t_lookup_request(): start searching: hash=20710, isACK=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:417]: matching_3261(): RFC3261 transaction matching failed
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:641]: t_lookup_request(): no transaction found
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:980 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1070]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=539 global id=539 T end=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: siputils [checks.c:120]: has_totag(): no totag
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1001]: t_check_msg(): msg (0x4818f0f4) id=539 global id=539 T start=(nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [t_lookup.c:1076]: t_check_msg(): T previously sought and not found for msg (0x4818f0f4)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: SELECT id FROM subscriber where ('107'=username AND ''=domain)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result names at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 24 bytes for row values at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: sqlops [sql_api.c:523]: sql_exec_xquery(): Adding column: id
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: sqlops [sql_api.c:529]: sql_exec_xquery(): Adding row
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 1 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth_db [authorize.c:466]: auth_check(): realm [] table [subscriber] flags [1]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth [api.c:88]: pre_auth(): digest-algo: MD5 parsed value: 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select password from subscriber where username=?1 AND domain=?2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result names at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 24 bytes for row values at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth_db [authorize.c:199]: get_ha1(): HA1 string calculated: 6376bea5a94e5f69ff0cf2c8b3bfb992
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth [api.c:292]: auth_check_response(): Our result = '5983af291e663c9b8b4d49d3004fa460'
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth [api.c:299]: auth_check_response(): Authorization is OK
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 1 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x4817090c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[0] '107' at 0x48081aac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/select.c:412]: run_select(): Calling SELECT 0x48164b20
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: UPDATE subscriber SET email_address='Registering' where (1=id)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: sqlops [sql_api.c:461]: sql_exec_xquery(): no result after query
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 0 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route AUTH
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: permissions [address.c:491]: allow_source_address(): looking for <1, c0a86ec3, 5060>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth_db [authorize.c:466]: auth_check(): realm [] table [subscriber] flags [1]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth [api.c:88]: pre_auth(): digest-algo: MD5 parsed value: 1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select password from subscriber where username=?1 AND domain=?2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result names at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 24 bytes for row values at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth_db [authorize.c:199]: get_ha1(): HA1 string calculated: 6376bea5a94e5f69ff0cf2c8b3bfb992
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth [api.c:292]: auth_check_response(): Our result = '5983af291e663c9b8b4d49d3004fa460'
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: auth [api.c:299]: auth_check_response(): Authorization is OK
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 1 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[0] '107' at 0x4814fdac
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:95]: db_free_row(): freeing row values at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:60]: db_free_rows(): freeing rows at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:138]: db_free_result(): freeing result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==9 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5064 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:564]: grep_sock_info(): checking if host==us: 14==14 && [] == []
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/socket_info.c:567]: grep_sock_info(): checking if port 5060 (advertise 0) matches port 5060
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Route REGISTRAR
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: Register: callId: (57113cbc-a948c31d at - furi: (sip:107 at - cnturi: ("Spa303" <sip:107 at>;expires=60)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:183]: sruid_next(): new sruid is [uloc-59c4d133-ece-021] (288 / 21)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: registrar [save.c:410]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-59c4d133-ece-021
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:183]: sruid_next(): new sruid is [uloc-59c4d133-ece-121] (289 / 21)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: registrar [save.c:410]: pack_ci(): generated ruid is: uloc-59c4d133-ece-121
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: registrar [reply.c:377]: build_contact(): created Contact HF: Contact: <sip:107 at>;expires=300
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: sl [sl.c:282]: send_reply(): reply in stateless mode (sl)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/msg_translator.c:159]: check_via_address(): (,, 0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [topos_mod.c:461]: tps_execute_event_route(): executing event_route[topos:...] (4)
W2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: NOTICE: <script>: event_route[topos:msg-outgoing] - SNDTO-IP: SNDTO-PORT: 5060
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK-7f4f3283>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=633b8f0b4914e3026572b102348a0cb3.2aa3
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [77]; uri=[sip:107 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body ["Spa303" <sip:107 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <36997> <REGISTER>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=942b730bd2f91fa4o0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:283]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 7766 usec
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list 0x484b01a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:636]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list 0x484ad8c8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:446]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list 0x484b03d0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:46:990 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:372]: receive_msg(): cleaning up
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:47:810 proxy0: DEBUG: tm [h_table.c:129]: free_cell_helper(): freeing transaction 0x484ae574 from timer.c:651
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:47:810 proxy0: DEBUG: dialog [dlg_handlers.c:303]: dlg_iuid_sfree(): freeing dlg iuid [364:9147] (0x484ada50)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:614]: parse_msg(): SIP Reply (status):
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:616]: parse_msg(): version: <SIP/2.0>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:618]: parse_msg(): status: <200>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:620]: parse_msg(): reason: <OK>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:1303]: parse_via_param(): Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0>; state=16
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_via.c:2639]: parse_via(): end of header reached, state=5
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:492]: parse_headers(): Via found, flags=2
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:494]: parse_headers(): this is the first via
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=1299011341
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:171]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [51]; uri=[sip:+390715060100 at]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): to body [<sip:+390715060100 at>]
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <10> <INVITE>
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:183]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=212
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:864]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:868]: tps_response_received(): handling incoming response
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:380]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - x_via1: [SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](80) - x_via2: [](0) - x_vbranch1: [z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0](46)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:489]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - a_rr: [](0) - b_rr: [](0) - s_rr: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_msg.c:492]: tps_pack_message(): compacted headers - as_contact: [](0) - bs_contact: [](0)
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: topos [tps_storage.c:124]: tps_storage_lock_get(): tps lock get: 364
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: db_sqlite [dbase.c:223]: db_sqlite_submit_query(): submit_query: select rectime,a_callid,a_uuid,b_uuid,direction,x_via,x_vbranch,x_rr,y_rr,s_rr,x_uri,x_tag,s_method,s_cseq,a_contact,b_contact from topos_t where x_vbranch=?1
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:120]: db_new_result(): allocate 36 bytes for result set at 0x480825e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:158]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:169]: db_allocate_columns(): allocate 64 bytes for result types at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:117]: db_allocate_row(): allocate 384 bytes for row values at 0x48192574
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:79]: db_free_columns(): freeing 16 columns
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x4818f844
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x481910a8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x481910f0
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x4818f658
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x4819117c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x48191134
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x481903dc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x481916fc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x48190480
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x4818f6e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x4818f69c
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x48191210
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x4818fd54
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x4818fae4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:000 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x4818f888
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:83]: db_free_columns(): freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x481901e8
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:96]: db_free_columns(): freeing result names at 0x4818f5e4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:101]: db_free_columns(): freeing result types at 0x48190b98
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:52]: db_free_rows(): freeing 1 rows
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[1] '340526538' at 0x480a61a4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[2] 'atpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x48190334
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[3] 'btpsh-59c4d133-ece-63' at 0x48170618
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[5] 'SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb886.67f7ba2d2f436695e80cf392e3ef977e.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5062;branch=z9hG4bKb886.2c153b235590c7e7c62d0de501d06b04.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bKLWD~9a14;rport=5080' at 0x48190cbc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[6] 'z9hG4bKb886.bf1de518a0b3bd95381ef03629b89d95.0' at 0x48190990
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[7] '<sip:;lr=on;ftag=1299011341;did=c61.25;vsf=Y25mZGZFanRMcDdOZXluVFJjdmljbmZkZkVqdExwMURX;rtpprx=yes;caller_tp=transparent;callee_tp=transparent;ice_caller=strip;ice_callee=strip;aset=50>' at 0x48192320
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[8] '' at 0x48190f80
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:75]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STR[9] '<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>,<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=0A7AC791-59C4C8B0000E0B8E-D5F26700;ngcplb=yes;socket=udp:>' at 0x4818fbdc
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0: DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:66]: db_free_row(): free VAL_STRING[10] '' at 0x48190ff4
L2: U 22/09/2017 10:24:49:010 proxy0:
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