[SR-Users] kamailio - multiple asterisk and chanspy

Daniel Tryba d.tryba at pocos.nl
Thu Sep 14 14:37:24 CEST 2017

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 04:34:22PM +0500, Жан Базаров wrote:
> Hello! how i can use asterisk's chanspy_app in
> kamailio-loadbalance-asterisk system?

Just like you'd normally use it!

I don't get what the problem is you are experiencing and if there is a
problem why it whould be relevant to ask that here instead of in the
asterisk mailing list. It is asterisk that does the spy magic for any
calls going through that asterisk, if there is more than 1 you need to
check these machines. If you are trying to do this via the kamailio
proxy, you could use other ports of prefixes to route to a specific

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