[SR-Users] How to troubleshoot "ERROR: error while initializing modules"

ron.kamailio at mcleodnet.com ron.kamailio at mcleodnet.com
Thu Oct 12 22:35:40 CEST 2017

I have built kamailio-5.0.3 from source with no issues.  I have used the
P-CSCF configuration examples from ./misc/examples/pcscf and the database
definitions from ./utils/kamctl/mysql.

When I check the configuration file, it is reported to be "ok":

# /usr/local/sbin/kamailio -c
loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/
 0(10835) INFO: pv [pv_shv.c:60]: shvar_init_locks(): locks array size 16
 0(10835) INFO: <core> [core/sctp_core.c:75]: sctp_core_check_support():
SCTP API not enabled - if you want to use it, load sctp module
Listening on
             udp: pcscf.core.ims1.test []:4060
             *: pcscf.core.ims1.test:*

config file ok, exiting...

But when I attempt  to run the application, it fails with an error message
"ERROR: error while initializing modules":

# /usr/local/sbin/kamailio -D -d
loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/
Listening on
             udp: pcscf.core.ims1.test []:4060
             *: pcscf.core.ims1.test:*

WARNING: no fork mode
ERROR: error while initializing modules

How can I troubleshoot this to determine what the actual error is?  I have
tried increasing the debug level, but I don't see any additional


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