[SR-Users] Some Fault messages I am trying to clear up

Kevin Greene Kevin.Greene at oceanos.org
Tue Aug 8 01:58:22 CEST 2017

Hi list people:

When using Siremis with Kamailio, I see this error:

First Fault
[2017-08-07 22:55:17 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this 
Error message: #256, Unable to location template file 
Script name and line number of error: 

function: errorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file 
"/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/sysheader.inc 117
function: userErrorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file 
"/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @
function: trigger_error ( "Unable to location template file 
system_internal_error.tpl.", 256 ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php 283
function: getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizSystem.php 544
function: getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/siremis/modules/service/userEmailService.php 108
function: SystemInternalErrorEmail ( Array(2), Null ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/siremis/modules/common/form/ErrorForm.php 34
function: Report ( ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 310
function: invoke ( ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 110
function: dispatchRequest ( ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 32
function: include_once ( 
"/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php" ) @ 
/var/www/siremis-4.3.0/siremis/bin/controller.php 6

It looks like I am missing a template file to send a copy of the error 
message to the system administrator.

Also: during the installation, I, using the install script, added a 
number of tables to the MySQL server. However, it seems I am missing a 
few columns in a couple of the tables. Is there some sort of system 
sanity script that will check the database for all the required tables 
and required columns?


2017-08-07 23:12:14 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this 
Error message: #0, Error in query:: SELECT T0.id, T0.setid, T0.url, 
T0.flags, T0.weight, T0.description FROM rtpproxy T0 LIMIT 10. 
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 
'kamailio.rtpproxy' doesn't exist
Script name and line number of error: 


[2017-08-07 23:14:58 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this 
Error message: #0, Error in query:: SELECT T0.id, T0.name, T0.uri, 
T0.mohdir, T0.mohfile, T0.debug FROM mohqueues T0 LIMIT 10. 
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 
'kamailio.mohqueues' doesn't exist


[2017-08-07 23:16:57 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this 
Error message: #42S22, SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown 
column 'src_user' in 'field list'
Script name and line number of error: 


2017-08-07 23:18:33 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this 
Error message: #0, Error in query:: SELECT T0.id, T0.method, 
T0.from_tag, T0.to_tag, T0.callid, T0.sip_code, T0.sip_reason, T0.time, 
T0.src_ip, T0.dst_user, T0.dst_domain, T0.dst_ouser, T0.src_user, 
T0.src_domain, T0.cdr_id FROM acc T0 WHERE method='INVITE' AND 
T0.src_user='admin' LIMIT 10. SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 
Unknown column 'T0.src_ip' in 'field list'

In the case of the above table, it does not say which table.

Anyway -- any help would be great.



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