[SR-Users] Presence - Subscription based NOTIFY to enable MWI

SamyGo govoiper at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 09:28:28 CET 2016

It is possible. I created a blog entry from a mailing list thread doing
this sort of stuff for Asterisk behind Kamailio and voicemail MWI .

The scripts and everything should just give you idea. In Kamailio when you
get Subscribe create a file in temp folder with User in it. Take a cron job
that runs a sipsak based script to lookup any files in that temp folder.
Based on that username do w/e you want and create a SIP packet and send it
back to Kamailio.

I hope this may get you some ideas.
On Jan 3, 2016 02:39, "Arsen Hovhanissian" <arsenx at me.com> wrote:

> I see, what i’m trying to do is actually to limit querying the DB by
> updating the MWI only when there is activity.
> In other words to send a NOTIFY when the user receives a new message in
> his voicemailbox.
> I am not sure if it’s possible to send the NOTIFY for example 5-30 mins
> after the initial subscribe.
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