[SR-Users] Merry Christmas to all Kamailians

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Fri Dec 23 13:22:42 CET 2016


Trying to calm down and prepare for Christmas with the family.

It’s been another great year for Kamailio and I’m proud to be part of the Kamailio development community. 
We’ve made great releases, had a great conference and overall done good stuff :-)

For all of you that celebrate Christmas - a Merry Christmas! To the rest of you: Happy Holidays!

A big Thank You to all developers and a special giga-Thank You to Daniel for all the time you spend
working with the code, helping out in discussions on the lists and in the bug tracker. 

And to all of you in the community - Thank You for being part of this! 

Greetings from a cold Sweden, currently without snow in my area just north of Stockholm. We celebrate
on Christmas Eve (tomorrow) so there’s a lot of food being prepared right now and the last minute
shopping is just about to start...

Keep your Kamailio running!


PS. If you are not currently following the project on Twitter - it’s time!
Find us as @kamailioproject

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