[SR-Users] auth result -3

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at aholab.ehu.es
Mon Dec 19 15:23:19 CET 2016

Hi all

I'm getting an auth challenge result of -3 and I don't know what it means as
it's not listed in the auth module doc. 

Here's syslog' output:

db_postgres [km_dbase.c:230]: db_postgres_submit_query(): sending query ok:
0x7f36d1f75f00 (2) - [select secret from sip_buddies where

db_postgres [km_res.c:108]: db_postgres_get_columns(): 1 columns returned from
the query

db_postgres [km_res.c:133]: db_postgres_get_columns():
RES_NAMES(0x7f36d1f92238)[0]=[secret] db_postgres 

db_postgres_get_columns(): use DB1_STRING result type db_postgres
[km_res.c:211]: db_postgres_convert_rows(): no rows returned from the query

auth_db [authorize.c:199]: get_ha1(): no result for user '48481628780@'

INFO: <script>: Ha fallado la auth con resultado -3



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