[SR-Users] Asterisk Security Advisory (AST-2016-009)
Fred Posner
fred at palner.com
Fri Dec 9 00:05:39 CET 2016
Thank you for the post-- definitely appreciate you sharing it on this list.
On 12/8/16 6:02 PM, Matthew Jordan wrote:
> Hey all -
> The Asterisk project just released a security advisory for a security
> vulnerability in which Asterisk using chan_sip with a proxy can allow for
> unauthenticated calls. This affects all supported versions of Asterisk (11,
> 13, 14). Since that may be relevant to those on this mailing list who are
> not also on the asterisk-users mailing list, I thought it prudent to
> mention it here as well.
> A description of the vulnerability follows:
> Description The chan_sip channel driver has a liberal definition for
> whitespace when attempting to strip the content between a
> SIP header name and a colon character. Rather than
> following RFC 3261 and stripping only spaces and horizontal
> tabs, Asterisk treats any non-printable ASCII character as
> if it were whitespace. This means that headers such as
> Contact\x01:
> will be seen as a valid Contact header.
> This mostly does not pose a problem until Asterisk is
> placed in tandem with an authenticating SIP proxy. In such
> a case, a crafty combination of valid and invalid To
> headers can cause a proxy to allow an INVITE request into
> Asterisk without authentication since it believes the
> request is an in-dialog request. However, because of the
> bug described above, the request will look like an
> out-of-dialog request to Asterisk. Asterisk will then
> process the request as a new call. The result is that
> Asterisk can process calls from unvetted sources without
> any authentication.
> If you do not use a proxy for authentication, then this
> issue does not affect you.
> If your proxy is dialog-aware (meaning that the proxy keeps
> track of what dialogs are currently valid), then this issue
> does not affect you.
> If you use chan_pjsip instead of chan_sip, then this issue
> does not affect you.
> The announcement can be seen here:
> http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-announce/2016-December/000662.html
> Thanks again to Walter Doekes for reporting the vulnerability and providing
> the patch to fix it.
> Matt
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