[SR-Users] regEvent feature

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 08:53:34 CEST 2015

The presence_reginfo is handling subscriptions and sending notify
requests. pua_reginfo should be the module that generates publish
requests based on location events and sends them to presence_reginfo.
Combining the two modules, you should get a config to enable a user to
monitor its subscription state.


On 24/09/15 18:35, Stefan Ljung wrote:
> (A continuation on an old thread)
> In the RFC 3680 it is described how a UE can subscribe to its own
> registration state(s). As soon as it’s own registration state changes
> in any way – like a refresch registration – a NOTIFY is send to the
> subscribing terminal.
> What made me hopeful was when I in the Overview’s use case section for
> the module pua_reginfo read the line:
> “A client could subscribe to it's own registration-status, so he would
> get notified as soon as his account gets administratively unregistered.”
> That’s in line with how I would like to use it - Is it in any way
> possible to achieve that in the Kamailio?
> /Stefan
> From: Stefan Ljung
> Sent: den 18 februari 2015 09:32
> To: miconda at gmail.com
> Subject: RE: [SR-Users] Event reg - questions
> From the pua_regInfo module description:
> Use cases for this might be:
> Keeping different Servers in Sync regarding the location database
> Get notified, when a user registers: A presence-server, which handles
> offline message storage for an account, would get notified, when the
> user comes online.
> A client could subscribe to it's own registration-status, so he would
> get notified as soon as his account gets administratively unregistered.
> ...
> So it’s the last line  I want to deploy. Maybe Im over-interpreting “A
> client could subscribe to it's own registration-status”
> I want to be able to simulate (As close a possible) a VoLTE clients
> reg events handling. Only the part between to and from the UE.
> So no PUBLISH is needed – Kamailio needs to notify the UE about its
> registration status.
> /Stefan
> From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [mailto:miconda at gmail.com]
> Sent: den 16 februari 2015 17:43
> To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List; Stefan Ljung
> Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Event reg - questions
> Hello,
> afaik, the pua_reginfo is for publishing details of location records
> to another sip server node, main purpose being location replication. I
> don't think it is something for an end UA.
> If you want publishing online/offline states for an user based on its
> registration state, look at pua_usrloc module.
> On 12/02/15 15:17, Stefan Ljung wrote:
> I made a test configuration for trying the pua_regEvent module.
> There were two things I want to ask about.
> First – when the SUBSCRIBE to event ‘reg’ following a UEs registration
> to the Kamailio is responded with a NOTIFY – there was no body in the
> NOTIFY. I expected a XML body with registration status.
> Second – When the UE re-registers to Kamailio – I expected a NOTIFY to
> be send on the existing ‘reg’ subscription, but nothing happened.
> Or am I missing some configuration ?
> Here’s some of the conf script:
> [..]
> modparam("pua_reginfo", "publish_reginfo", 0)
> Btw, with the above parameter value, the module is no longer sending
> PUBLISH requests, in other words, it is not informing the other peers
> that there is some update to location records.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> -- 
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
> Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
> Berlin, Germany - http://www.kamailioworld.com
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.com
Kamailio Advanced Training, Sep 28-30, 2015, in Berlin - http://asipto.com/u/kat

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