[SR-Users] sems-rtpengine-webrtc client audio problem

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue May 19 06:59:38 CEST 2015

Juha Heinanen writes:

> i have not been able to figure out, why i can't hear any audio when i
> call from webrtc client (using UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF profile) to sems echo
> server (using RTP/AVP profile):
> 1) webrtc client - UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF - rtpengine - RTP/AVP - sems echo server

i was able to play with wireshark both rtpengine -> sems and sems ->
rtpengine g.711 pcma streams and they were both ok.  it means that audio
worked fine all the way from webrtc client to sems and sems also sent
out the stream correctly to rtpengine.

so the problem is in what happens with stream rtpengine -> webrtc
client.  i don't know which component (ice, stun, crypto key
negotiation, ...) on that leg fails.  i have tried with the same webrt
client in both firefox and chrome and both fail to play the incoming

as i explained, the weird thing is that if i call baresip instead of
sems, the call works fine.

-- juha

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