[SR-Users] Ims_charging lose all charging information when restart

Jason Penton jason.penton at smilecoms.com
Tue May 12 10:13:25 CEST 2015

Hi Yasin,

The functionality of reviving Ro sessions on reboot is not yet 100%
complete. As you correctly noted, the groundwork is there w.r.t data being
stored in DB but I still need to rebuild the CDP sessions and restart the
structures, state and timing for the Ro sessions. It's something on my todo
list. Your next question will probably be ETA... ;) - Ideally I'd like to
have this implemented before the end of this month.


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Yasin CANER <yasin.caner at netgsm.com.tr>

>  Hello;
>     as you know , S-CSCSF has IMS_charging module and dialog_ng module for
> charging. When it is restarted , all dialog_ng hash is vanish. So  calls
> can continue but* charging stops*.
> if dialog_ng has a db_mode when restart , it can be solved. or is there a
> way to solve this problem?
> Thanks.
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*Jason Penton**Senior Manager: Applications and Services**Smile
Communications Pty (Ltd)**Mobile:*+27 (0) 83 283 7000*Skype:*
jason.barry.pentonjason.penton at smilecoms.com <name.surname at smilecoms.com>


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