[SR-Users] Interoperability issues with older SIP clients

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 15:02:38 CET 2015


it is possible to remove and add headers are needed. Storing and
retrieving values is possible with htable or dialog vars or external
storage (sql/nosql). Also, From/To headers can be changed and restored
using header parameters, so nothing has to be stored locally.

To be able to give more specific answer, you will have to provide an
example of what you need to change and restore.


On 16/03/15 13:52, Magnus Nordström wrote:
> Hi,
> We got interoperability issues with older SIP-clients. When e.g. some
> parameters are included in the SIP header Record-Route the call does
> not get connected. Now we are looking for a solution for that. We are
> using kamailio as SIP-registrar/proxy and would like to know if we can
> keep the call state and rewrite headers that causes interoperability
> issues. We are aware that kamailio is not a B2BUA.
> The basic idea would be e.g.:
> 1. kamailio proxy identifies a call from a modern SIP-client to an old
> SIP-client
> 2. kamailio send the call to a interoperability module (?)
> 3. the interoperabilty module removes sip-headers known to cause
> issues and saves them.
> 4. the interoperabilty module makes sure it is in the SIP signaling path
> 5. the interoperabilty module send the call forward to the old SIP-client
> 6. the interoperabilty module stays in path rewriting the SIP-headers.
> The modern SIP-client receives the SIP-signaling as if it was not
> rewritten.
> Do you think this is possible with kamailio?
> Thankful for any hints or ideas.
> Magnus Nordström
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
Berlin, Germany - http://www.kamailioworld.com

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