[SR-Users] how can I use WITH_IPAUTH when the IP may be stored in the DB as a FQDN?

Sergey Okhapkin sos at sokhapkin.dyndns.org
Sun Mar 8 22:02:33 CET 2015

Authentication by IP address must be done by IP address only, DNS names must 
not be allowed. Period. By definition.

What you want can be achieved with dns_int_match_ip() function provided by 
ipops module. But keep in mind it is slow because of DNS lookup.

On Sunday 08 March 2015 13:38:52 canuck15 wrote:
> Here is is the relevant section of kamailio.cfg
> $var(tempfU) = $fU;
> #!ifdef WITH_IPAUTH
>      if((!is_method("REGISTER")) && allow_source_address() && $au == "")
>      {
>          # Loading $fU from database using IP
>          sql_pvquery("elxpbx", "SELECT name FROM sip WHERE host = '$si'
> AND sippasswd IS NULL", "$var(tempfU)");
>          # source IP allowed
>          return;
>      }
> The problem is that when host= somefqdn.com the above will fail since
> $si will always be an IP address as far as I can tell.  More often than
> not host= is a fqdn and requiring it to always be an IP address is not
> an option.  Converting it to IP before storing it in the DB is also not
> an option because it needs to be able to work of the IP address changes.
> So how can the above be done to accomodate the possibility that host=
> somefqdn.com or an IP address.  Preferably in such a way that it can
> scale to hundreds/thousands of rows in the database without slowing
> things down or crashing.
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