[SR-Users] kamctl: command not available

Thomas Baeumer thomas at ctrl-c.de
Fri Feb 27 15:33:09 CET 2015

Hi there,

I want to use kamctl to monitor the state of a sip-proxy.
I just have no idea which commands are available or should i use 
"kamctl mi" or "kamctl fifo" commands.
Google dont give helpful links for that.

Im am using kamailio 4.2.3+wheezy on a Debian wheezy and kamctrl dont

# kamctl fifo uptime
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
entering fifo_cmd uptime
500 command 'uptime' not available
FIFO command was:

# kamctl fifo which
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
entering fifo_cmd which
500 command 'which' not available
FIFO command was:

# kamctl mi which
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
entering fifo_cmd which
500 command 'which' not available
FIFO command was:

here is my config:

# grep -i fifo kamailio.cfg
loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_user", "kamailio")
modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_mode", 0640)

# ls -la /tmp/kam*
srw-r----- 1 kamailio root     0 Feb 27 12:39 /tmp/kamailio_ctl
prw-r----- 1 kamailio kamailio 0 Feb 27 14:25 /tmp/kamailio_fifo

The only known command what is working is to look into a hashtable:

# kamctl mi sht_dump foo
Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
entering fifo_cmd sht_dump foo
Entry:: 135
	sip:0049xxxxxxxxxxx at sip.domain.tld:: 1
Entry:: 205
	sip:0049yyyyyyyyyyy at sip.domain.tld:: 1
FIFO command was:

any idea what is wrong?
and is there a documentation how to use "kamcrl mi" and "kamctl fifo"?


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