[SR-Users] TEXTOPS parser problem with binary data in MIME body

Klaus Feichtinger klaus.lists at inode.at
Thu Feb 26 21:10:22 CET 2015

Hi Frederico,

the only (quick) solution I had found was doing message parsing (MIME 
body) in an external PERL script, returning the information that I was 
searching for (from that body) to the config script and reducing the 
multipart body to a single body. This is (until now) working fine... 
However, I was using Kamailio version 3.2.x in this situation, but I 
think that there will be no change to the newest version, as it is a 
basic C language problem.

Please note that PERL was the language that I was finding the fastest 
solution with. Maybe you can use an alternative language, too.


Am 21.02.2015 um 01:19 schrieb Federico San Martín:
> Hi Klaus, did you find a solution to this problem? I'm working with SIP-I and having the same issue with Binary encoding. I need to encode a 0x00 value and when the config script gets to that point, it breaks. If I encode any other hex value it's fine. This is the config part I'm using:
> route[INSERT_ACM]{
>          if(has_body()){
>                  # Save the SDP body for future reference
>                  $var(sdp_body) = $rb;
>                  replace_body_atonce("^.+$", "");
>                  remove_hf("Content-Type");
>                  append_hf("MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n", "Content-Length");
>                  append_hf("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=unique-boundary-1\r\n", "Allow");
>                  replace_body_atonce("^.+$", "--unique-boundary-1\r\nContent-Disposition: signal; handling=optional\r\nContent-Type: application/isup; version=itu-t92+\r\n\r\n'\x06''\x02''\x04''\x01''\x29''\x01''\x01''\x00'\r\n-unique-boundary-1\r\n");
>                  msg_apply_changes();
>                  replace_body_all("\047", "");
>                  append_body_part("$var(sdp_body)","application/sdp");
>          }
>          return;
> }
> I tried with the escape character \0 which should be translated to ASCII hex value '00' but it's parsed as ASCII literal values \0...
> Thanks!
> Federico
> Federico San Martín
> e-mail : fsanmartin at telecentro.net.ar
> On 9/17/13 4:34 PM, Daniel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> most of the functions for pseudo-variables work with string types, that
>> because a script variable can have only integer or string values. Even
>> the length can be higher, these functions truncate at first 0. But
>> internally all should be kept, just not passed to config variables.
>> Have you tried exec_msg(), that should pass entire msg?
>> Otherwise, I presume there is need for some C coding to make binary
>> values work with variables in config.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
> On 9/17/13 4:03 PM, Klaus Feichtinger wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have an update to the side effects of receiving an INVITE message that
>> contains a MIME body with binary data:
>>    - pseudo variables are affected, too
>>    - the message buffer ($mb) does not include the whole message; it is
>> ending with the nul character
>>    - as the message buffer does not include all data, the modification
>> cannot be done with an external script / program (e.g. perl, bash script)
>> The behaviour was tested with kamailio 4.0.3, too - no difference!
>> In general, the whole message is stored in a buffer, but parts of it are
>> inaccessible for parsing / text functions.
>> Any idea, what could cause this problem?
>> regards,
>> Klaus
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a problem with Kamailio version 3.2.4 (tested also with 3.3.5)
>>> regarding "binary data" in message bodies. According RFC3261 it is
>>> explicitly allowed using binary data within MIME bodies:
>>> RFC 3261 section 7.4.1:   SIP messages MAY contain binary bodies or body
>>> parts. When no  explicit charset parameter is provided by the sender,
>>> media subtypes  of the "text" type are defined to have a default charset
>>> value of  "UTF-8".
>>> However, the Kamailio function "Regular Expression Transformation"
>>> (re.subst), which is based on the transformation class (exported by the
>>> textops module) is causing problems in our customer system. In regular
>>> scenarios, Kamailio is receiving SIP INVITE messages with a MIME body,
>>> which is containing following parts:
>>>    - application/sdp (standard conform)
>>>    - application/x-q931  (Cisco proprietary with BINARY data!)
>>>    - application/gtd (Cisco proprietary with ASCII strings)
>>> The content of the "x-q931" and "gtd" body parts is depending on (UUS1)
>>> data that were received on the ISDN line. Kamailio has to forward
>>> User-User specific information from the ISDN line to SIP user agents (in
>>> form of the "User-to-User" header field). The content of these UUS1 data
>>> may contain also byte values "00", which is legitimate. In general,
>>> Kamailio is in every INVITE message searching specific content in the
>>> last body (application/gtd) and copying this content to a config
>>> variable. As soon as the x-q931 body contains nul values (0x00 in binary
>>> format), the parser stops at this position and cannot parse the rest of
>>> the message. Therefore, I am missing the information that should be
>>> copied to the SIP header field, as the parser stops before the end of
>>> the message body!
>>> As long as the message body does not contain 0x00, it is working fine!
>>> My question is:
>>>    - is this a bug in Kamailio parsing functions?
>>>    - is this a design issue of Kamailio text parsers (as binary data are
>>> allowed acc. RFC3261) - does anybody know a solution for this problem?
>>> This "bug" is causing big troubles....
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Klaus Feichtinger
>>> P.S. trace data (1)...(3) of my problem
>>> (1) exemplary content of the x-q931 body
>>> ======================Sending: Binary Message Body
>>> Sep 13 10:50:19: Content-Type: application/x-q931
>>> 08 01 B4 05 04 03 80 90 A2 18 01 89 1E 02 82 88 6C 05 B1 35 30 30 34 70
>>> 05 B1 35 30 30 31 7D 02 91 81 7E 18 04 1D 42 75 25 92 43 31 62 94 00 00
>>> 2C 68 20 64 00 62 F2 10 41 B9 D7 BD 0D 0A
>>> (2) SIP INVITE message (debugger view)
>>> =============================INVITE sip:115101@<ipv4>:5060 SIP/2.0 Via:
>>> SIP/2.0/UDP <ipv4>:5060;branch=z9hG4bK171164E
>>> From: <sip:1101015004@<ipv4>>;tag=29E16410-2541
>>> To: <sip:115101@<ipv4>>
>>> Call-ID: 1DBCDACB-1B9911E3-8992FF70-D2BED293@<ipv4>
>>> Supported: timer,resource-priority,replaces,sdp-anat
>>> Min-SE:  90
>>> CSeq: 101 INVITE
>>> Max-Forwards: 70
>>> Contact: <sip:1101015004@<ipv4>:5060>
>>> Expires: 1800
>>> P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:1101015004@<ipv4>>
>>> Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=uniqueBoundary
>>> Mime-Version: 1.0
>>> Content-Length: 820
>>> --uniqueBoundary
>>> Content-Type: application/sdp
>>> Content-Disposition: session;handling=required
>>> v=0
>>> o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 1770 5294 IN IP4 <ipv4>
>>> s=SIP Call
>>> c=IN IP4 <ipv4>
>>> t=0 0
>>> m=audio 16384 RTP/AVP 8 0
>>> c=IN IP4 <ipv4>
>>> a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
>>> a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
>>> --uniqueBoundary
>>> Content-Type: application/x-q931
>>> Content-Disposition: signal;handling=optional
>>> Content-Length: 62
>>> 4"      l15004p15001}~Bu%C1b..,h d.brA9W
>>> --uniqueBoundary
>>> Content-Type: application/gtd
>>> Content-Disposition: signal;handling=optional
>>> IAM,
>>> PRN,isdn*,,,
>>> USI,rate,c,s,c,1
>>> USI,lay1,ulaw
>>> TMR,00
>>> CPN,08,,1,5001
>>> CGN,08,,1,,,5004
>>> UUS,3,1d427525924331629400002c6820640062f21041b9d7bd
>>> CPC,09
>>> FCI,,,,,,,y,
>>> GCI,185ef1291b9911e381d500270dff3fa0
>>> --uniqueBoundary--
>>> (3) config excerpt
>>> ============if (has_body("multipart/mixed")) {
>>>      if (filter_body("application/sdp")) {
>>>         remove_hf("Mime-Version");
>>>         remove_hf("Content-Type");
>>>         append_hf("Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n");
>>>      } else {
>>>         xlog("L_WARN", " <route> message body part 'application/sdp' not
>>> found\n");
>>>      }
>>>      $var(UUS)=$(rb{re.subst,/^(.*)UUS,.,([a-z0-9,]*)..[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z],(.*)/\2/s});
>>> append_hf("User-to-User: $var(UUS)\r\n", "CSeq");
>>>      if
>>> !(subst_body('/Content-Disposition..session.handling=required....//s'))
>>> {
>>>         xlog("L_WARN", " <route> substituting Content-Disposition
>>> FAILED!!! \n");
>>>      }
>>>      msg_apply_changes();
>>>      if (search_body("a=[a-z]+:.+[\r\n]{4}$")) {
>>>         #!ifdef WITH_XLOGDEBUG
>>>         xlog("L_INFO", " <route> double CRLF at the end of the message
>>> body detected - is reduced to one now. \n"); #!endif
>>>         $var(sdp) = $(rb{s.striptail,2});
>>>         set_body("$var(sdp)", "application/sdp");
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
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>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
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>> -- 
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
>> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>> Kamailio Advanced Trainings - Berlin, Oct 21-24; Miami, Nov 11-13, 2013
>>    - more details about Kamailio trainings at http://www.asipto.com -
> _______________________________________________
> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
> sr-users at lists.sip-router.org
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