[SR-Users] ACC module from_tag, to_tag and callid

Dmitri Savolainen savolainen at erinaco.ru
Sun Dec 20 11:17:44 CET 2015

hi, it means BYE was generated by called party, so the To and From URIs and
tags have been swapped.

2015-12-20 11:52 GMT+03:00 Gholamreza Sabery <gr.sabery at gmail.com>:

> In the ACC modules' database table (acc) in Kamailio sometimes from_tag,
> to_tag and callid of an INVITE and corresponding BYE completely match. But
> sometimes from_tag in INVITE is to_tag of BYE and to_tag of BYE will become
> from_tag of INVITE. Why this happens? Is this normal?
> Regards
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Savolainen Dmitri
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